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General12 years agoDreXxiN

Taipei Assassins takes the world by storm and claims Victory

A long and hard-earned Grand Finals victory goes to the underdogs, Taipei Assassins.

Taipei Assassins vs Azubu Frost Game 1
TPA bansAZF bans
blitzcrank skarner jaxjayce orianna kogmaw
TPA picksAZF picks
anivia Mid

maokai Jungle
lulu Bot

vayne Bot
olaf Top
ezreal Bot
sona Bot

karthus Mid
amumu Jungle

irelia Top

In Game 1, as TPA’s playstyle suggested, the start of the first game saw an abundance of early aggression with a tense engage on bottom, followed by an actual first blood and two more kills on top, putting TPA at 2:1. A few more Lilballz ganks later and every lane of AZF was behind, except for the Sona/Ezreal who kept chasing Vayne/Lulu all across the map.

A pressing of an R button turned everything around for AZF in an instant, however, and a quadra kill for RapidStar’s Karthus marked the first of a large string of successful team fights for the Koreans. The lane phase was long over and five on five engagements were Azubu’s strength who snowballed so hard that there was literally no answer coming from TPA, who GGed out after a 54-kills game and a double, a triple and a quadra kill for Karthus.

Taipei Assassins vs Azubu Frost Game 2
AZF bansTPA bans
nidalee kogmaw oriannablitzcrank skarner jayce
AZF picksTPA picks
ezreal Bot

maokai Jungle
anivia Mid

jax Top
zyra Bot
sona Bot
mundo Jungle

karthus Mid
caitlyn Bot

shen Top

Game 2 starts with lane swapping everywhere, trying to mitigate ward advantage for future ganks and to overall capitalize on their situations. TPA's jungler Mundo was quick to jump into assistance and crush Ezreal, putting Caitlyn, an already exceptional laner, that far ahead of Ezreal.

TPA takes advantage of their lane safety and lead and puts their nerves on hold, engaging at proper times and utilizing globals to sort out proper engages from rush plays.

Not only are they playing intelligently but they are heavily investing with the Gp5 with such strong heroes they simply MELT baron and slow push to end. Shen's split-pushing power is so strong that he can duel Jax and come out on top. That was indeed what happened and Shen completely dominated.

Karthus' threat appears to be too much as after the second baron melts down, his ult devestates their entire team.

Taipei Assassins vs Azubu Frost Game 3
TPA bansAZF bans
skarner blitzcrank sonajayce nidalee karthus
TPA picksAZF picks
orianna Mid

mundo Jungle
nunu Bot

vayne Bot
jax Top
shen Jungle
anivia Mid

leona Bot
ezreal Bot

vladimir Top

A subtle start begins Game 3. A million dollars is on the line and both teams know it. The nerves and stakes alike are both extremely high and both teams opt for a very safe, solo queue esque defensive wolves > ancient golem approach in the jungle. Things don't appear to be moving very quickly until Vayne picks up a first blood.

This was just the momentum TPA needed to take it to the next level by making confident and aggressive plays on dragon, handily taking it. Azubu tries to counter this aggression by taking what should assuredly be a free blue buff steal, but Toyz would not have any of that and responds with a counter-steal on his own blue buff.

AZF didn't want to be out of this game just yet, so plays had to be made. That they were, as Shen ults bot for a nice kill towards Woong to even up the odds bottom lane and put Woong back in the driver's seat. Not going to be outwitted so easily, TPA comes back with some clever baits of their own, going back and forth vicariously until one mistake becomes apparent to TPA to capitalize on, feeding their hyper carry-esque Vayne with another kill.

Exuberant from the lead as any would be, Toyz shows his MvP powers by taking out the oracle on Shen, crushing all vision on Azubu for a similarly crushing defeat on Azubu, putting the series in their favor at 2-1.

Taipei Assassins vs Azubu Frost Game 4
AZF BansTPA bans
nidalee karthus maokaiblitzcrank skarner sona
AZF picksTPA picks
jayce Top

shyvana Jungle
lux Mid

graves Bot
lulu Bot
orianna Mid
mundo Jungle

shen Top
nunu Bot

ezreal Bot

Game 4 ends up being the final, conclusive match to this hard fought tournament. With the stakes so high and the feel of a 1-2 tilt, the mistakes are apparent in Azubu Frost this game, and TPA made every plan they could to capitalize on it.

The game starts off bleak as Mad Life is found in the wrong place at the wrong time, being chased off and giving up the first death of the game. As if the outlook wasn't grim enough for our top Korean contender, Graves is bewitched with equal misfortune.

There's no way that Azubu Frost would go down without a fight, however. They put their blood, sweat, and tears into this and they'd be damned if they were to give away the game with those early mistakes on their conscience.

Finding ways to make plays, AZF manages to secure a dragon and farm up to secure themselves into the game despite the mishaps that happened during jungle invasion.

TPA keeps up pressure, bullying Azubu's jungle and letting them know they are not letting this go into a game 5, but Azubu resents that notion. In a frantic attempt to secure Azubu's blue, they slip up and let it slide to Shy, who redeems it for himself.

Not everyone could fend for themselves as well as Shy, however. Toyz kept his spirits high and his confidence reigning over the arena with his constant display of dominance. He was incredibly strong and showed how far he has honed his skills with his roster of champions, and the power of his Orianna in this game demonstrated that to great lengths.

Nails were bitten, fingers were crossed, and for a moment the roar of the massive crowd dulled to a silence as every mistake Azubu would make could set them further behind. With defeat near imminence, we see Woong caught out several times on Graves...and on the time he needed to escape most, he gets sniped by a well-placed, perhaps game winning Ezreal ultimate.

With victory in site, the roars returned, the tremendous energy fueled the team to finish the game off, while Azubu made a spectacle of the formidable defense they withheld with the pressure of the much stronger heroes and 3 waves of super minions knocking at their doorstep.

Azubu crushed under the pressure, and the Nexus crumbled before them. The champions arose as underdogs and went to take the world by storm. The crowned champions are one that none would suspect just a short while ago, but the game was well played and the prize, pride and charisma well deserved.


Finally, the energy driven event came to a halt and the end of Season 2 approached at last. The victor has been crowned and walked happily away with their prized possession, perhaps to take a short vacation before training to conquer and maintain the throne come season 3.

Congratulations were given to all the contenders of Season 2 with a short recap video, hyped by the ecstatic crowd and the orchestral rendition of the game's theme at the start of the event. A new era awaits to be dawned going into next year's competitions.

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