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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

MRR seizes final HOT6 Super League playoff spot convincingly from Rave

In the final group B series of HOT6 Super League, MRR crushed Rave in a 3-0 using fierce bruiser-heavy teams and secured the final playoff spot in the opening season of South Korean Heroes of the Storm.

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The HOT6 Superleague of South Korea finished off its first group stages ever in a convincing defeat of Rave by upcomers MRR. Both teams featured new hero combinations never seen on the profession stage, including a Malfurion and Kharazim pick in game 1 by Rave, multiple Sonya picks and even Sgt.Hammer.

Game 1: Tomb of the Spider Queen

The first match featured the unique Malfurion and damage oriented Kharazim picks by Rave to support Sonya played by hamelin. Despite their high sustain team composition, MRR was seemingly always ahead through solid lane clear and objective control. Around 9 minutes into Game 1, MRR chose a superior team fight through positioning near the Spider Queen's turn-in and pressured Rave until victorious with a 4 level lead by 14 minutes. The final fight occurred near the capture point of the game winning boss, where Rave's damage was too miniscule to surpass the tankiness of MRR.

Game 2, Game to Watch: Sky Temple

Game two featured Rave using their classic composition with hamelin on Kerrigan and two tanks. hamelin's proficiency on Kerrigan proved useful early and middle game, providing Rave with 1-2 level leads. At 13:30 MRR took a sneaky boss and equalized the experience at level 18 before two temples spawned. As Rave rotated to handle the clearing of the boss, MRR took both temples and gained a substantial advantage which led to them reaching level 20 first. In a series of pick-off's and split-second rotations, MRR finally came out on top in a high intensity game.

Game 3: Garden of Terror

In a leap of faith, game 3 featured Rave using the Lost Viking multiple lane soak with a 4-man Sylvanas push elsewhere. To counter the Lost Vikings, MRR immediately picked Sonya for the quick pick-off potential. After seizing the first terror, MRR pushed for a solid lead but was countered by the Vikings. Overtime, MRR continued to out-rotate and took complete control of the available seeds. The Lost Vikings pick ceased to keep Rave in the game around level 13 and MRR continued the pressure seen in the previous games. MRR completely took control with repeated Garden Terrors and seized the win just around level 20.

With the group stage over, the teams entering the playoffs for the inaugural season of HOT6 Super League are: MVP Black and Snake of Group A and Team DK and MRR of Group B.


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