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StarCraft19 years agoRaistlin

Gamingeye ladder playoff


Yesterday, the ladder race for Gamingeye was finished. Now, a 16-man playoff is planned on Wednesday, filled with Sweden's finest players, along with the Norwegian Swede iG.Mireille. GosuGamers has made their predictions and will give you an introduction of the most known players...

Top 16 playoff

1. Sweden datoby
2. Sweden rS.DaZe
3. Sweden Aa-Vilcans
4. Sweden uT)DeWa
5. Norway iG.Mireille
6. Sweden Cfd.FaithLesS
7. Sweden razz.HayPro
8. Sweden HoNay
9. Sweden KEkEhUk
10. Sweden iNFEsTEd[KB]
11. Sweden Oops)BDJ
12. Sweden razZ.Noble
13. Sweden BladLuS
14. Sweden TreK[pG]
15. Sweden ash.Fox
16. Sweden RataN[pR]
The StarCraft section of Gamingeye has seen its better days, but lately the activity in the news, events and tournaments have been higher than for a long while. Lead under Sweden gReep, the 16-man-playoff will take place this Wednesday. After 17 ladder race tournaments where the participants had the chance to climb the ladder, the Top 16 playes are now marked out. And in the Top 16, there are several well known Nordic players:

Sweden TreK[pG]

a05e456b6f8f9ffa9a341a2a5e7ed723d08c350a6b7b711167ed2aa64dFredrik "TreK" Nelson, truly one of Sweden's most successful players, with WCG 2004 under his belt and an important cog in the Swedish National Team. He is one of those nasty Random players, and is with no doubt one of the absolute favourites in winning this playoff, no matter how much World of WarCraft he devotes to.

Sweden rS.DaZe

1e5a6b287d1bbbc151abee22e140919126ce5e841bcfa2f5b42ac37affJens "DaZe" Björck joined the Swedish National Team in mid September 2004, and has never let his team down. A great 1on1 Terran player, but also a nice 2on2 player together with TreK. He took part in the ladder race, and won 14 games in a row. He ended #2 in the ladder, shortly after datoby. He is a player with a steady play style, and is always a name to look out for.

Norway iG.Mireille

72b67cf1a0a089128700149b72dee9bf3f6a67ba7cda227f1638eba40fEmil "Mireille" Niklasson joined up quite recently in the Norwegian National Team. He lives in Sweden, but is a Norwegian citizen. He was the proud winner of DreamHack Summer 2005, a title which did not only give him another merit but also ~960€ (9,000 SEK). A Terran player, and the only player without a Swedish flag, he stands out of the Top 16. He is also a player who can take this home, although he will have to play at his very best.

GosuGamers wishes all the players good luck in the playoff on Wednesday at 15:00 CET.

Gamingeye.com - Further information (Swedish)

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