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WarCraft 319 years agoRaistlin

A shoutcasting (u5.)bunny


Ever heard of bunny? She is together with KidArctica WCReplays.com's famous shoutcasters, where bunny comes from USA and KidArctica from Norway. Recently, bunny was interviewed by inWarCraft.de about shoutcasting.

She is the one half of the #kim&kim team, the American one and the one NOT from SK-Gaming. She is together with Norway KidArctica what we call in Sweden 'radarpar', which basically means a couple with a lot of mutual understanding. We of course talk about United States bunny or Kim Vothang as she is named. She is an administrator over at » WCReplays.com, and also a well known shoutcaster. She is also a part of the United States United 5's Warcraft III Division.

Started off in WarCraftReplays by coincidence...

bunny.jpgIn a recent interview with inWarCraft.de that has started an interview series called 'Caster interview', they started off with bunny (pic). She starts with telling how she got into the shoutcasting business, where she reveals that she was just playing a 1on1 versus some random player, and without knowing about it, her match was shoutcasted. She was then asked by a friend who worked at WarCraftReplays to try it out, which she did. This was about two years ago, and now she works at WCReplays, and shoutcasts for GameSports in various events such as the WC3L, inCup and the previous WCMasters.

Likes Grubby, Insomnia, ToD, FaTC and Bjarke

When asked about any special game she would like to shoutcast the most, she says it is a tough question, since there are so many different answers to it. "I typically enjoy casting games involving Human players just because I play Human", she says, and means that she has a better understanding of the game because of that. She has a couple of special favourites, and those are Grubby, Insomnia, ToD, FaTC and Bjarke.

Looks up to WackSteven and her friend KidArctica

Her idol back in the day was United States WackSteven, who is most known nowadays as the one shoutcasting the World Cyber Games 2004 Grand Finals in StarCraft and WarCraft. He does not shoutcast any more, unfortuantely, says bunny. Other than him, bunny likes to listen to when Norway KidArctica shoutcasts. "She's great at painting a visual image of exactly what's going on in a game which makes it easy for me to follow without having to watch WTV."

inWarCraft.de - Interview with bunny

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