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StarCraft19 years agoRaistlin

iD going on the offensive

International Division, shortened either Team.iD or simply iD, has recruited several new players and have a lot of new projects for the team. New names like Mora, Freak and Fayth have strengthened the WGTCL winners. iD.GioM, head admin of iD. says that they are going on the offensive.


giom.jpgRecently, there have been a lot of recruits coming in for Europe International Division, shortened Team.iD. GosuGamers sat down with France iD.GioM (picture), head administrator and a Team.iD veteran to straighten out all these new recruits and happenings. Three of the newest recruits are members of Canada Team Canada and will be a great asset to the team. One of the three is Canada iD.Fayth, previously known as rS.memOry or Fayth[pG]. He is one of the best Protoss players in Canada, and for a long time stayed in the top of PGTour. " the skill level is good, everyone is pretty nice, and they're active as well so it's all nice" comments Fayth with a snicker on his arrival in Team.iD.

Fayth about Mora: "He is a brilliant player"

fayth.jpgThe second Canadian player who recently joined Team.iD is
Canada iD.Mora, a player that according to his clanmate iD.Fayth (picture) is very skilled, and is improving a lot. "Mora is a nice guy, improving quite much in my opinion." he says. On WGTour his nickname has been GiTM.Mora[tC], but he will now player under iD.Mora.

Second Canadian Protoss player added - Freak

Two Canadians were not enough, they earlier announced their third player - Canada iD.Freak, known better as Freak[s.sir] on U.S. West. GioM says however that this was nothing they planned, three Canadian players just happened to join. "But it sure is nice," he explains. "Now we do have a strong Protoss squad". He says that the team got weaker because of MidiaN and Twisted signing up for ToT, but they still have good Zerg players like Anon, Keir, ret and now Mora.

Team.iD expands to the West

Other players worth mentioning that have joined in the last couple of days are
Sweden iD.FA (yet another Protoss player), a well-known personality at the forums of TeamLiquid.net - FrozenArbiter. One of their already existing players iD.Cocoa has changed name to United States iD.Ninja, because someone stole his account. With all these new members, Team.iD is more a USA- and Canada-based team than they were before. "It's an expansion to the west" says iD.GioM with a smile on his face.

iD.GioM also gave GosuGamers the heads-up that we will see a lot of changes within International Division in the upcoming weeks. Words like sponsorship, website changes and a lot for the community came out of his mouth. "This will only take a few more days." iD.GioM promised.

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