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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

Toyz officially retires

The mid laner of the Season 2 World Champions has officially retired.

After years of work being captain of the team and stunning the world with his amazing play on mid-lane champions like Orianna, Toyz has finally announced that he will be officially retiring.  While a part of the problem is TPA's declining performance relative to when they were world champions after the departure of Mistake to sister team Taipei Snipers, Toyz' retirement revolves around medical reasons.

Toyz had previously taken a break to help recover his hand, but even after going to a doctor, he's said his hand is too bad to be a player anymore.  Toyz has officially stated "Sorry I can't be a player anymore" on his Facebook page.  Together with Lilballz, Stanley, Mistake, and Bebe, Toyz lead an unforgettable legacy in Season 2.

Source - Facebook


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