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WarCraft 317 years agoRaistlin

Team NoA parts with ShowBu, recruits Kei

ShowBu drops from NoA, although the team was fast in finding a replacement - Kei.

111ff73688dfb216cad582c7cc4c8ceffab034a7496b0b22227ea33997.jpgShowBu (picture) got an offer he couldn't refuse. On the Team NoA website you can today read that he has left the Korean team and will instead team up with another top team. The oldschool progamer formerly known as Swain has not been playing in the WC3L for a long time.

To fill up this gap NoA has decided to sign another Human player who goes by the name of Kei, formerly in Clan Go. The 16-year-old player is doing good on the Kalimdor ladder and was given his 15 minutes of fame by defeating FiveStar in a recent tournament hosted by nicegameTV.

We will most likely see ShowBu being announced by some of the top teams in a near future.

TeamNoA.eu - Original news
MeetYourMakers.com - Source

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