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DotA14 years agoTerrence "MrBlue" Wong

Misery: I'll promise you that EnotHOME will be stronger than ever very soon!

Fnatic while at GamesCon

Fnatic, now renamed EnotHOME, one of the best teams in Europe has been very inactive since their return home from China for the AlienWare DotA League. Some questions will be answered as Misery shares his thoughts in regards to their time in China and the current condition of the team.

The current state of the team.
When asked what are the future plans for the team right now since they have been under the radar lately, having only played one game since their return. Misery replies saying that they plan to continue playing together for now as EnotHOME, but they might do some changes in the near future and nothing is certain yet. The Danish player further clarifies that they are officially not supported by Fnatic anymore.

What about the roster of EnotHOME. Is it still Loda KwoM, Ducky, Miracle and you?
-"Yes, though Kwom is a bit inactive at the moment, so we'll probably either use a stand-in in the near future or add another player to the roster."

But I'll promise you that EnotHOME will be stronger than ever very soon!

So there's nothing sure as for now? Or do you want to announce something?
-"Like i said, nothing is decided nor certain yet. But I'll promise you that EnotHOME will be stronger than ever very soon!"

Talking about strength. How do you see Blight.Int at the moment? Or MYM for that matter?
-"I definitely think Blight.int has some challenge to offer and their roster looks really strong, but we'll do everything we can to defeat them. About MYM, they're for sure in a down period at the moment. I hope they will find the pleasure and spirit in playing DotA together back soon enough, so we can see some nice performance from them again. But no matter what, they'll always be a tough enemy to me."

EnotHOME in Beijing

Fans, fans, fans and more fans.
During their time in China, EnotHOME experienced the life of a true professional gamer with legions of fans knocking on their hotel doors asking for autographs and being spotted walking on the streets of Beijing. Misery adds that the fans in China are very loyal to the team they support, unlike the two-faced fans of Europe.

What thoughts or impressions did you take home from your vacation to china?
-"I really had a nice time in China, and I think I improved my temper a lot by playing down there. It was definitely really awesome to play against only good enemies for 1 month straight, it was very intense and extremely fun."

...it was seen on chinese television with around 40 million people watching

How was the event organized?
-"The managers of the tournament were all really nice guys and they did a really good job running the tournament. That in my opinion was very successful. Like i mentioned earlier, I think the event was organized really well. But since it was such a huge event, it was shown on Chinese television with around 40 million people watching. I guess this was to be expected."

8b201e6b1259ebb2f7197388b18cab8517926c102be6485bc16453abe6.jpgMisery answered humbly when he was asked how the event there was organized compared to ones organized in Europe. Saying that its hard to compare Asian LANs to European LANs, as the scene in Europe is not as huge. Later citing that DotaMasters was a really good event while GamesCome was a bit chaotic.

Thoughts on 6.66 and the new heroes.

I actually think IceFrog did kind of a good job with this version

Now for some DotA related questions. What do you think about the new version, 6.66(b)?
-"In the beginning I always hate new versions, but when I get to play them, I'm almost always satisfied with the changes and I adjust quickly. The same happened this time, so after playing a lot of pride, scrims etc. I actually think IceFrog did kind of a good job with this version, as usual. The new TP-scroll system works better than I expected and I like how the new and imbalanced heroes are un-pickable in cm mode!"

What are your thoughts about the new Lucifer? Skill-built wise and which creeps to devour?
-"I haven't played him yet, heck I don't even know his skills, so I haven't really made my own opinion yet. But from what I've heard and seen he should be pretty insane!"
He is, you should try him soon. *Laughs*

Having tried both new heroes introduced in the new version, Misery states that Ancient Apparation is hard to use but can be very deadly if played by the right hands. As to Nightcrawler, he says that it is very fragile but deadly at the same time. Misery would like to make it so that Roshan is moved closer to the Sentinel's side if given a chance to change something in DotA.

Personal life and shoutouts
After being confronted why he does not have a blog like Loda and Kuroky. He said that he had one while under Fnatic and he may consider starting one in the future.
Being a gamer, most of his time is spent playing DotA with Ducky and company right now. But other than that, he does what average blokes do, hang out with family, friends and the like.

My father. Mostly because off his personality, but also his humor and his friendly mind

Is there anyone you admire and why?
-"My father. Mostly because of his personality, but also his humor and his friendly mind"

Do you have a girlfriend or have found one in china?
-"I don't have a girlfriend. Have a girl in mind though!"

Does she know about your fame in the gaming world? or do your friends in general know about that?
-"Some friends does, some doesn't. It hasn't been a problem for me."

Anything that you would like to share? Including shoutouts.
-"Shoutout to all my fans! and to my haters and enemies - beware The SLAYER IS BACK!!"

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