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General13 years agoTerrence "MrBlue" Wong

FM speaks up

Since FM was disqualified from the Battle of Masters competition due to maphacking, PlayDotA has conducted an interview with some of the team's players to get their take on the whole issue.

The interview mainly talks about the different scenarios in which the team was disqualified for maphacking. Representing FM is Asuna, who is the captain of the team. He gave an detailed breakdown on each scenario and what was going through the players' thoughts when the games was being played.

GosuGamers would like to clarify that we as a site do not condemn FM for maphacking. We were merely reporting what was published on We, the GosuGamer crew, apologize for mentioning that V1lat had consulted IceFrog and that IceFrog had found FM guilty. This was a mistaken translation which should never have happened.

Extract of the interview available below
^^DragonFist^^: Speaking of the KotL clip - what is the reasoning behind the placement of the Illuminate itself behind your own Tier 2 tower with the enemy advancing only towards your Tier 1 tower?
Asuna: They have used this strat vs, SGC and other teams. They had pushed two towers top and two towers mid so it was easy to predict their next move. In this game, Rexxar appeared on bottom lane alone and since Enchantress had been used for the pushing and backstabbing part, not to mention she already tried to backstab in top and mid, but we had wards up that scouted her in those pushes so we had seen her. In this particular situation there were four missing heroes and a line of fog. I thought to myself that there were two possibilites. I told Snoop to cast an Illuminate to check that said line of fog. He took a defensive position at tower, because we thought they were next to secret shop, so he would be safer to the right side of the tower instead of to the left side of it. If they would not have been there in that line of fog where and when Snoop illuminated, then they should have been next to the ancient camp or at the secret shop. It was eliminating choices, turns out they actually were in that line of fog and the only reason we took that area was simple : that place is more secure. If Keeper would've stood in between Tier 1 and Tier 2 tower and illuminated towards the ancients there would have been a high risk of him dying.

Veyron: Let's move on to Lacoste's accusation. BABARRR played Lich in a Game 1 against and around minute 16 game time he reacted – some say – far too well against an invisible Clockwork Goblin. Lacoste claims that the retreat was "one of the most funny things" he's seen in a while.
Asuna: Lacoste's accusation is one of the most absurd ones I've ever heard. Lacoste was Clock playing bottom solo at that time against my Magina. I had the advantage in terms of experience and items. So our three teammates engaged Lacoste's three teammates. He disappeared from my lane so I told my team mates to watch out for a Clock that might TP in. After they killed some of Nirvana's heroes and one of them died, Clock still wasn't present on the map, neither top or bot while Ancient Apparition who was at mid playing very very defensively at the time began playing offensively: diving the tower and using Cold Feet on Babarrr. I told him that Clock didn't go bot while Snoop informed him that CW didn't show up top as well. Babarrr, knowing this, is really simply using his knowledge of the game from that point on and retreated.

Full interview can be found here.

PlayDotA - Interview link

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