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WoW18 years agoRaistlin

We seek WoW staff!


In order to keep up with all the happenings and updates in World of WarCraft, we wish to broaden and strenghten our editorial staff at this section. Help us get bigger!

Positions available:
World of WarCraft Scene and Game Newsers
World of WarCraft Feature Writers
World of WarCraft Forum Moderators


00a57202ac0458f56e20b77f898ec22c5ef288479ed1a723c15b6aa6e1.gif Knowledge and experience within the World of WarCraft community.

00a57202ac0458f56e20b77f898ec22c5ef288479ed1a723c15b6aa6e1.gif High activity and a genuine interest to always keep the community updated with the latest news.

00a57202ac0458f56e20b77f898ec22c5ef288479ed1a723c15b6aa6e1.gif Perfect English.

00a57202ac0458f56e20b77f898ec22c5ef288479ed1a723c15b6aa6e1.gif Ability to work independently and to show initiative.

00a57202ac0458f56e20b77f898ec22c5ef288479ed1a723c15b6aa6e1.gif Being a scribbler often takes up more time than one thinks – you should be able to spend (at least) five to six hours per week working on the site.

00a57202ac0458f56e20b77f898ec22c5ef288479ed1a723c15b6aa6e1.gif We would prefer your age to be above 18. However, we are not going to reject a person because they are not yet 18; age does not necessarily prove how a person will behave.
Don't hesitate to send in your application. In order to apply, follow the instructions given on the link below. Remember to always include an article which you've written so that we may know how good you are.

GosuGamers.net - Apply here!

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