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[US] WoW 1.8 Released!


Blizzard has released the newest patch for World of WarCraft bringing the version up to 1.8. The new patch impliments the new melee attack speed and a whole redone talent tree for the Druid class.

The whole patch isn't as big as the last one but the updates are significant. Silithid has a big quest line for you to go through and melee instant attack damage has been adjusted.

* Two-handed weapons: 3.3
* Daggers: 1.7
* All other one-handed weapons: 2.4

As always, it is best to back up your UI mods and update them as the patch usually breaks them and makes them not work. There are a lot of patch notes to read through, so get ready to read them as you await your patch download. Happy Adventuring!

Blizzard Entertainment - Patch Notes
3D Gamers - Patch 1.8.0

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