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Tigole: Ahn'Quiraj Difficulty


Ever wanted to know how difficult Ahn'Quiraj will be in comparison to other instances?

Tigole explains the difficulty differences between Blackwing Lair, Zul'Gurub and the upcoming raid instances of Ahn'Quiraj by Patch 1.9.
Just wanted to give everyone a quick Raids and Dungeon update.

Patch 1.7 is live and we're seeing lots of people in Zul'Gurub each night. There are a couple of minor Zul'Gurub adjustments being made that might interest you. The Panther Boss encounter will be undergoing some minor tuning in the 1.8.0 patch that should make it a better encounter overall. Specifically, the rate at which panthers come out should be reduced. Also, there will be some minor adjustments to the Edge of Madness. After you kill an imp, only 2 voidwalkers will appear, rather than 3. Some minor adjustments with creature placement should also be evident in this area.

Speaking of Patch 1.8, it's live on the Test Server right now which means it should be making its live debut in the next week or two. We appreciate everyone who came onto the Test Server to help tune the 4 green dragons. We've made some minor tweaks to these guys and they're looking good for release. Any additional testing or feedback is always welcome. Just so everyone is on the same page, these dragons are supposed to be more difficult than Azuregos or Kazzak, yet not as difficult as some of the hardest encounters in the game.

We're busy working on Patch 1.9. Patch 1.9 is going to be one of our biggest content updates to date featuring not one, but two raid zones. The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20 person raid zone) will be on par with Zul'Gurub in difficulty, perhaps slightly harder (but not by much). The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (40 person raid zone) is absolutely massive, and will be around the same difficulty level of Blackwing Lair. Some of the earlier monsters in the 40 person area might be slightly easier than BWL but as guilds progress to the end, they'll find a zone on par with BWL.

We're also hard at work on a pretty epic world event that will lead to the opening of the gates of Ahn'Qiraj. More information will be coming out about this from our community team in the near future. Needless to say, it's going to be cool =].

Because of the sheer scope of what we're going to include in 1.9.0 the development cycle might take slightly longer than the 1.8.0 cycle.

In other news, we're really excited about BlizzCon. For those of you attending, our heavy-hitting Dungeon crew will be hosting a panel there. Likewise, our Raid team will also be hosting a panel (ok, so we're the same guys but no one needs to know that...). Hopefully, we can answer some questions there, meet some of you folks, and offer some cool previews of cool Dungeon and Raid stuff to come

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