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5 days Credit!


Due to latency issues, five day credit for WoW-Europe. European WoW Fans satisified.

WoW-Europe gets a 5-days credit, i.e. biling compensation, for latency and hardware issues during August 31-September 12. Blizzard President Mike Morhaime expressed his apologies and shared with the fans all the technical issues the Blizzard Europe team went through. A good precedent, where fans are openly explained the problems that caused the lag spikes and login issues. Fans expressed they wish this type of communication more often:
On September 12th we detected a dramatic increase in temperature at different data centers. We then brought down the servers to avoid any damage to the hardware. Our ISP quickly identified and rectified a failure in the air-conditioning system; however, before re-opening the servers, we brought our hardware manufacturer on-site to check for any damage.

Forums-en.wow-europe.com - Source
Blizzplanet.com - Source

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