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WarCraft 316 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

ENC: Group drawings revealed


After a tough qualification for ENC's Main Round, the surviving national teams have now been split in to two groups. Europe's twelve finest WarCraft nations will now compete for a place among the four that makes it to the at the GC in Leipzig, Germany.

With the offline finals not due until the 21st of August, it is now time settle which four countries who will be sending their teams to the European Nations Championship finals at the Games Convention in Leipzig. The six teams who made it through qualification stage and the other six that were directly qualified from last year will now have now been divided in to two groups. Only four teams will make it to the finals, so it's definetly going to be some fierce battling to look forward to.

Last year's heroes - From the left: Elfitajja, BrinGeR, SeiN from Team Finland

ENC Main Round Groups
Group A Group B
Denmark Denmark (Q) Sweden Sweden
Germany Germany Finland Finland
Bulgaria Bulgaria Italy Italy (Q)
France France England United Kingdom (Q)
Ukraine Ukraine (Q) Russia Russia
Netherlands Netherlands (Q) Croatia Croatia (Q)
*Q = From qualifiers. The rest qualified directly.
As you can see from the grouping to the right, last year's two finalist, Sweden and Finland, have been placed in the same group together with a strong-looking Russia. The eastern European country has, however, had problems throughout the years with VISA issues and have not been able to attend the offline finals even though they've managed to qualify. In the other group we, of course, spot the home nation Germany along with Grubby's Netherlands, ToD's France and more. The first rounds kick off next week, starting with a top match between Russia and Sweden.

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