NGL-ONE finished just some days ago with MYM being victorious versus SK in the final and the first surprise for season two were announced just some hours ago: WE replaces NiP - without playing the qualification.
The rumors about

"Actually we are lucky because we can take over the spot of NIP and don¢¥t need to play the qualification which was definitely a main-reason for our decision."
Here is a statement of

"Not fair in my opinion, they should just qualify, they have no relation at all with NiP except that they have some south korean players lol.. they would have made it anyway but why not just a extra spot in the quali? makes no sense to me..."
And a statement of

"If a team withdraws, then there should be another qualifying spot, why does it automatically go to WE?
It seems that

"actually i didnt know that we.ige gonna replace my team nobody talked to me and we were supposed to continue playing ngl one...always interesting to hear/read stuff regarding my team without my knowledge."
There isn't a conventional wisdom, though several people think it is not fair to give the free spot to WE instead of adding the spot to a qualification to give every team the chance to participate. Nevertheless wishes World Elite good luck in the upcoming NGL-ONE season.

SK-Gaming - Source