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WarCraft 318 years agoRaistlin

TmG: WinNers in WinNeR out


Trademark-Gamers is going through rough times, it seems. Players leaving and joining, and in WC3L Season 9 qualifier they just lost to World Elite. Recently, the previous LanFan player WinNers joined their squad, and replaced the previous winner - WinNeR.

First, a quick look-back on what has happened the last couple of days. The Korean Orc player, Korea WinNeR will attend his military service and was thereby removed from the team. Korea Belial has gone inactive and most interesting is that Korea Wangder was removed because his personality did not fit in to the management. It was about money, says the Trademark-Gamers director United States Charlie, in an interview with SK-Gaming. "Wangder [...] had been demanding more money than the management of TmG thought he was worth." he explains, and had many times behaved badly towards the management.

United States Charlie (Director)
United States Amp (Team manager)
Russia Caravaggio
United States Darius
Korea HomeRunBall
Korea MiSS
Korea PunKy
Korea SeleCT
Korea SonKiE
Korea WinNers

Nick "winner" popular in the WC3 scene

The nickname winner in any form is very popular, and can be very confusing following the WarCraft scene. Apart from the previously mentioned Korea WinNeR, there is also Lithuania mTw-WinneReseT and Korea WinNers, the latter having played in SAINT and SK-Gaming. WinNers with an s, was recently picked up by Trademark-Gamers from LanFan to strengthen the Trademark-Gamers lineup. He should feel quite at home, as his friend Korea SeleCT is there to support him. "WinNers and SeleCT are both training full-time now, and are quickly shaking off their rust" says Charlie to SK-Gaming, and looks forward to see them both play in the match versus China World Elite (which ended 1-4, SeleCT won, WinNers lost).

An Orc player missing in the lineup

After WinNer left the team, Trademark-Gamers are in need of an Orc player. Will we see a new recruit soon? According to Charlie, they have a few ideas, but they will stay put for a while. "For now I think this line-up will remain the same" he says with a smile.

Trademark-Gamers.com - Home of Trademark Gamers
SK-Gaming.com - Interview with TmG)Charlie
SK-Gaming.com - News about WinNers joining

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