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Overwatch8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Player Spotlight: TviQ, Meming and killing

In this series from GosuGamers, we are going to help introduce some of the best players that Overwatch already has to offer. Because of the arena shooter scene, many of the current top players have been competing in a variety of similar games over the years. These player profiles will provide you information on previous competitive history (including team history) as well as a short highlight of the player's Overwatch preferences. Let's have a look at world's best Overwatch team: IDDQD.

Gaming History

While the Overwatch scene currently has a surprisingly high average age, with a lot of players that have competed for the better part of the decade, TviQ is one of the younger players. TviQ's only real competitive experience prior to Overwatch was Team Fortress 2, a game that never really got a structured competitive scene going. Luckily for him, Overwatch has now arrived. 

In the few months of competitive Overwatch, and especially in the last month or so, TviQ has been one of the hottest commodities. After playing in some mixed teams before the beta break, TviQ played for about half a dozen teams in the short period of two weeks right after the Closed Beta came back online. Trying out, or merely playing, for all these teams gave him a lot of attention and time in the spotlight. Eventually, he found his fit in the IDDQD roster which was already a very good team thanks to the familiarity between its core members. TviQ fit right in, and eventually found his one true love when Mendokusaii was brought on to replace Taimou.

Because of the current dominance of IDDQD, or possibly as the reason for that dominance, TviQ gets to experiment a lot with heroes. As one of the fraggers on IDDQD, he is almost never put on supports or tanks, but pretty much is capable of playing every other character when needed.

Quickfire questions:
Marry Fuck Kill - Zarya, D.Va, Winston: Marry Winston - Kill Zarya - Fuck D.Va
Hanzo or Genji? Hanzo because of rage-inducing Scatters
Chat Spam or Q Spam? Tough but Q Spam

Previous Accomplishments

Team Fortress 2
Team Infused (2012 - August 2013)
swedeRage (November 2015)

ETF2L 6v6 Season 13 - 2nd Place
ETF2L 6v6 Season 14 - 3nd Place
ETF2L 6v6 Season 15 - 3nd Place
DreamHack Winter 2015 - 2nd Place

Overwatch credentials

Pubstars (November 2015)
mydong (December 2015)
IDDQD (February 2016 - now)



Soldier: 76, Pharah, Genji, Tracer, Reaper. Just a portion of the heroes TviQ played in recent time. But over the last week or so, there has been one hero that saw a significant rise in playtime: Junkrat. Ever since Blizzard removed gaining Ult charge from taking damage, Junkrat has been on the rise. But as seen in the video below, Junkrat is now a key part of IDDQD's defense strategy on certain maps like King's Row. Junkrat's ability to completely zone out that chokepoint before the capture point, combined with TviQ's peculiar talent to consistently hit the projectiles, has created a very strong bias towards IDDQD on a lot of their defense sides.

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