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WarCraft 315 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Russian wins GosuCup #5

Woof-Veyron won the fifth GosuCup in a thrilled 3-game-final. Notable this week was that all four players reaching the semi finals were playing Undead. As always we hook up with the winner to hear what he had to say about the tournament.


First of all congratulations. Can you share something about yourself, so the community get to know the winner of the fifth GosuCup?
My name is a Ilya "Veyron" Ignatov. I haven't played Warcraft as an 1on1 game very long. I accidentally found GosuGamers when I searched for replays, and signed up for your tournament.

Have you had any trouble on your way to the finals? Or went anything as expected?
Everything went fine. In the finals I knew that my opponent will play mass ghouls versus me in mirror match. Since I love playing fiends I played a counter strategy with fiends. And it worked.

Do you think Sonic gave up to early in the second match, where he forfeited after 2 minutes?
I think I crossed his strategy. I got a level two Death Knight, and destroyed his economy. If the game had gone on I would have taken a huge advantage of it.

Thanks for your time on this interview. Do you have any shoutouts or greetings?
I want to thank the community for supporting Warcraft, GosuGamers for hosting this tournament and finally I want to thank my girlfriend.

GosuCup #5
Semi Finals
Sonic> kYem
Gr33n-Lantern< WooF-Vat
WooF-Vat2-1 Sonic

Battlereport Final Games:
Game 1 @ Twisted Meadows:
Close position, Sonic goes straight to Veyron once his Death Knight arrives. Veyron who is teching to fiends got very little to put up against the harass and losses a few acolytes to Sonic Death Knight and Ghouls.
Sonic continues to put pressure upon Veyrons base and acolytes which gives him quite an economical advantage.
With more gold and tech on his side he can finally win the last battle with help of a few destroyers and fiends. Veyron types out GG.

Game 2 @ Turtle Rock:
A very fast game. Both Undeads ran into the opponents base and tried to destroy they economy. Veyron did better, and after two minutes he got the hero advantage as well as a better economy. Sonic typed out GG.

Game 3 @ Echo Isles:
Again we saw fiends versus mass ghouls on Sonics side. While Sonic focussed on getting Lich and Dreadlord, Veyron leveled his Death Knight and got Lich later. The level three Death Knight was more effective than three level 1 heroes, and again with good micro and well placed Death Coils Veyron could gain the advantage and Sonic gave up the game.

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