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Overwatch was featured on Clueless Gamer, joined by Game of Thrones cast members

Clueless Gamer, one of the recurring segments on Conan, featured Overwatch today. Watch gleeful joy as Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage discover the game's amazing characters.

Blizzard has put in a lot, a lot of effort to make the whole world aware of Overwatch and its release. Perhaps one of the last, big stunts was American comedian & talkshow-host Conan featuring the game on his show.

Joined by none other than Game of Thrones stars Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage, Conan discovered the beauty of our favourite game. Do not expect great gameplay, or even decent gameplay for that matter, in the clip below but at least know that Conan can appreciate a characters 'assets' as much as the rest of us.

Think of segments like these however you like, the games are hardly ever given a fair chance to shine, but this promotional footage sure did provide some good laughs and access to a new potential crowd.

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