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StarCraft 23 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Best games/series of the year

Like many I watch Starcraft off and on throughout the year. Personally I watch mostly GSL. I just wanted to start a thread discussing the best games of the year (from memory) that you guys remember of. But please try to avoid spoilers so I and others can watch those games fresh if we haven't already seen them. For me just the ones that come to mind:

  • ZvT Dark vs Maru Super Tournament 1 Finals (epic series watch all)

  • ZvP Dark vs Astrea GSL Code S Season 2 (interesting strategies)

  • PvT SoS vs Bunny GSL Code S Season 1 (what the ****)

  • ZvT Dark vs Maru TSL6 game 3 (long macro)

  • TvT Innovation vs Maru GSL Super tournament 1


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