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StarCraft 24 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Beginner struggling while still trying hard to improve

Hello everyone,

I'll try to introduce myself fast. I am very new to SC2, I did the campaigns literally years ago (5 or something like that) and played online maybe 1 or 2 games back then, got stomped, and stopped.

I am currently on "a break" from League of Legends (LoL) as the game started to feel less and less fun to play. I reached D4 (nearly D3) on the EUW server last season and this season the ranked games felt really hard to enjoy for me (trash community, relying on your teammates, etc ...). I am absolutely not the kind of player that ruin games, tilt, or even trash talk (all chat are disabled), and yet I felt it hard to play with others unknown players. So I wondered, what would be a good game to play on ranked where you don't have to rely on mates? Well, from the point of view of what kind of games I was looking for (basically, no Battle Royal kind of games, high skill cap, and some other stuff). The answer being SC2 came rather quickly and evidently.

Then, before even playing, I remembered a few pro games that I watched out of curiosity a long time ago, and was like : "the skill cap is monstrous, you'll get crushed if you dive in just like that." So I looked over the internet for some guide to play Zergs (the race I chose).

I watched a video of Winter without even knowing what larva inject is, or what a Queen does, or what 12 pool meant, what's a natural, what's this hotkey? Etc ... As I am "a bit stubborn", I downloaded the video from youtube thanks to external websites and went frame by frame on VLC and wrote every single thing he built on an excel sheet, with the supply count for for time reference (I learnt that's how you write builds). I did some hotkey configuration and then tried to follow his build on 1vs0 custom game. And maybe I maxed out at 15 or something like that, lol. Anyway, I'm saying just to show that :

  1. I am a total super noob, the Winter video (so me starting playing online) is like 1,5 week old.

  2. I am willing to learn.

Then I ended up on the ViBE videos, which I am watching a bit everyday. Thanks to his videos (thanks alot ViBE, in case you ever read this) I managed to learn A LOT. If I didn't watch carefully his videos, I guess I would be Bronze 10000 right now with negative MMR. So I played many games online trying to focus on copying what he is showing on his videos, had to wait 10 days to start playing ranked, and I ended up starting G3 (nearly G2 if I am correct based on the MMR) on the EU server. Thanks to him, on a custom 1vs0 game I managed to max out around minute 9, last games were a bit before, like 8:40.

And now my problem begins, even though I have the feeling the placement games put me in the "right elo" (I played against gold and had a positive winrate in unranked games), I am performing pretty bad right now, mainly because I don't know how to handle anything out of the classic course of the game. My proudest moments were when I managed to win a few games where the enemy started a cheese early (cannon rush, proxy barracks, proxy spine, etc ...).

Right now, I feel like I am performing really bad because I ALWAYS end up in games where the enemy is trying something fishy, early air rush, proxies, early all-in. And basically I struggle handling this pressure and play correctly at the same time. Even though I have something between 150-180 APM (which is average for a Zerg player I guess) mainly focused on macro and not micro, I feel I am losing because of these early stuffs, and I max out too late because of the early pressure. Also, I don't think I know the correct timing as to when take another base (when the mineral line of the last base is nearly saturated?).

I just lost 3 games in a row and felt complete shit (closed the game thinking I am too bad, this is not for me) even though I had the feeling to do my best ...

If someone has any advises to improve, I'd be glad to hear it. I understand that SC2 is a high skill cap game and having started playing online like 12 days ago, you cannot except to be good so quickly, but I am watching my replays, trying to spot my mistakes, ViBE's videos and yet I feel awful while having the feeling to do some good things during the game.


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