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StarCraft 24 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

To all those who have travelled to Katowice for IEM event.

I hope mods will understand the situation and allow this post even though it's not directly connected to Starcraft.

A citizen of Katowice here, and I'm really sorry about the decision of our governors. It's understandable, yet it still sucks. Either way I want to help you save the trip! Here is my advice what you can do in your spare time:

First and foremost: your ticket for the IEM itself will be refunded. While it still not solves the problem of travel and accommodation... It's something?

  1. First of all a lot of pubs and bars will actually be broadcasting the gameplays of IEM, so you might still be able to see the most important stuff. And you can grab great Polish or Czech beer! A blessing in disguise? The most famous bars are located on and near Mariacka Street in the city center.

  2. In your spare time you can see the beautiful and underrated sites of Silesia region. Most notably: Nikiszowiec District of Katowice is like a town of itself - red brick houses look really beautiful. Then there is city if Gliwice, which has a great market and quite a few romantic streets. Silesia museum also offers A LOT to see, if you want to see everything in it, you will spend almost half a day. And you can still travel to Cracow by bus or train - one of the most stunning central European cities by far.

  3. Taste some Polish quisine. Nobody has to be introduced to pierogi, right? Most famous Polish dumplings filled with anything you could imagine. They are served pretty much everywhere, but my favourite place is Pierogi Świata. Less famous Polish dishes - Żurek soup, soup like no other, you just have to taste it on your own, in the "traditional" restaurants it can be served in a loaf of bread. There are also Bigos, Rolady Śląskie z kluskami or we fot even our own "pizza thing" called Zapiekanka. Check those out on Google images, I'm sure you will find something you like.

  4. You can always go the party in clubs like Energy 2000, Kapitol or Pomarańcza. You will see how Polish party XDD

And in the evening I personally can show you around the city and invite you for a beer. I hope you will still have a great time here. Good luck people ❤️

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