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StarCraft 24 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

The oracle ruins my day

Hello friends,

Everyday I wake up looking forward to playing 10 hours of StarCraft. I'll eat breakfast, brush my teeth and then start up my pc.

I'll play 2 or 3 warm up games with terran, rage a bit about tvp being dumb and then I switch my race to protoss: the day can truly begin now.

My first opponent is a protoss on eternal empire. I proxy a robotics facility make some immortals and collect my 6 MMR .

Second game is on Zen Vs zerg opponent. I send two adepts across the map, kill a couple of ling's. He miss rallies one of his queen's and my adept sneak by and get 5 workers. I quickly shade out and walk home a happy man. My first oracle hits the field and flies into his main base which has no spore yet. I feel the feeling of pure euphoria hit me as I target down 4 workers and fly away with only shield damage. At this point my 2nd oracle and phoenix are finished, I go in for an orgasmic play. I lift the only queen at the third and fly in with my 2 oracles. I have never been more ready to kill those juicy drones, but as I fly in and try to target the drones my oracles seem unable to target them. They keep flying in heart shapes over his spore every single time after I kill a drone. Something that should have been so beautiful ends up with only 4 drone kills and a lost oracle. I feel myself deflate, I have never been so sad. I do my follow up immortal allinb and easily destroy my zerg opponent. I should be happy , but I'm not. If my oracles weren't brain-dead I would have gotten 15 kills with them and have an even easier win.

I turn off my pc, punch the wall and scream at my neighbour. My day has been ruined.

If you want to stop my and other protosses days from being ruined, act now. Post on the battle.net forums to fix the oracle movement, send angry tweets to David Kim or just flame your zerg opponents till you get blocked.

Anything to get this dumb ass movement back to normal.

Thanks for your time.

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