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StarCraft 25 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Birthday stream, fundraising for Incontrol's charity- Socal Bulldog Rescue

ey /r/StarCraft my name is ZergGirl and it is my birthday today! I will be running a charity stream to help raise funds for Incontrol's favorite charity, Socal Bulldog Rescue, as requested by his family.

Stream link

Today, all donations received by me will go only to this charity. The fundraising goal is $500. Any other donations for today, exceeding that goal, will go towards the charity. If we do not meet our goal today, the fundraiser will continue on future streams until it is complete. For transparency, I will post the screenshot of the receipt on my social media. Bits are also highly encouraged and will be matched. Extra bonus- Donations will be matched 100%. You donate $5, and another $5 is donated. I'm aiming for a total of $500, which will be matched for a total of $1000 going to Socal Bulldog Rescue. Disclaimer: Total donation goal, for matching purposes, will be capped at $14,000.

What will be streamed: Very casual StarCraft games. I will be laddering or playing viewer games like co-op, team games, customs depending on chat interest. Feel free to come join us! I may play other games like Hearthstone or Overwatch. The stream will end around 5 PM PST.

It broke my heart when I heard the news, may he rest in peace forever. I don't stream much these days due to life, school, and work, but I wanted to do my part for one of the greatest StarCraft players who ever lived. I can ask for no better birthday gift than to help honor his memory. Thank you.

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