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General11 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

compLexity house closes

After the demise of Quantic, North America loses another prolific gaming house. compLexity owner Jason Lake sees the necessary money for a team house better spent in other areas.

When compLexity revealed their very own gaming house in July of last year, the announcement was met with envy by fans and onlookers all the same. Today it was reported that, after roughly half a year, the 5 bedroom estate in Houston, Texas closes its doors for now.

Team owner and founder Jason Lake mentioned planned media production, that eventually fell through to be one of the principal reasons for its closure, but sees potential for another compLexity team house further down the road.

compLexity founder Jason Lake:

“One of our top goals for the house was to turn it into a landing pad for top teams from around the world, rather than fly back to Korea when you have another event in ten days, you could just come [to the house] and make it a training facility.”

“The experiment wasn’t bad by any means. We got a lot of player growth and development. But at the end of the day, when we looked at a new year…renewing the lease..we just said we could spend our money elsewhere more wisely. If we could get a few top tier players, that would make more sense.”

ESFIworld - Source

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