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GSL Code-S Achievers Determined


After 3 seasons of the GSL Open, 32 players have achieved the rank of S-Class within the new GSL system. Of the 32 players, two are not from South Korea.

Points for finish
Each participant in the final 64 of the GSL Open received points at the end of each season based on where they finished during the tournament. Finishing in the round of 8 guaranteed the player an S-class ranking. The final point count necessary to qualify as Code-S was 948 points, which jooktoJung clinched. jooktoJung managed a Ro32 finish in the first season and two Ro64 exits in the latter two seasons. Despite the disappointing finishes, he still managed to get the last Code-S spot.

The first foreign player to achieve Code-S was EG.IdrA, who had achieved Code-S when it was apparent that no other player could knock him out of his spot. IdrA finishes with a total of 1399 points accumulated from all three seasons.

Liquid'Jinro is the second foreigner to reach Code-S. Jinro qualified by reaching the Round of 8 by beating out the Korean Terran PoltPrime. Despite the Ro16 knockout, Polt does also receive Code-S ranking thanks to his previous GSL Open finishes. Jinro is still battling in the third season of the GSL Open and is scheduled to play choyafOu in the Round of 8 today.

GSL Code-S Players
Terran Players (14)
Korea ST_RainbOw Korea MarineKingPrime.WE Sweden LiquidJinro
Korea oGsEnsnare Korea SlayerSBoxeR Korea NEXLiveForever
Korea MakaPrime.WE Korea oGsNaDa Korea oGsHyperdub
Korea TSL_Clide Korea TSL_Rain Korea PoltPrime.WE
Korea IMMvp Korea TheBestfOu
Zerg Players (9)
Korea TSL_FruitDealer Korea IMNesTea Korea oGsZenio
Korea KyrixZenith Korea CheckPrime.WE United States EGIdrA
Korea oGsTheWind Korea LeenockfOu Korea jooktoJung
Protoss Players (9)
Korea oGsInca Korea NSPGenius Korea HongUnPrime.WE
Korea TSL_sSKS Korea oGsMC Korea sanZenith
Korea LegalMinD Korea AnyproPrime.WE Korea choyafOu

There is a fairly even field of players from each race with a majority being Terran players, which is expected due to the early balancing of the races at the start of the first GSL Open. Only four players from the list received Code S from just taking part in the GSL Opens once. They are Liquid'Jinro, NEXLiveForever, oGsNaDa, and TSL_sSKS. Of these four, NEXLiveForever went the farthest in an GSL Open being knocked out in the semifinals.

[Spoiler Warning]
Currently the top player with the most points is TSL_FruitDealer with 8850 points. IMNesTea is a close second, but is out of contention to take the top spot away from FruitDealer as he was knocked out of the the third season as well. For now FruitDealer will retain top spot unless MarineKingPrime.FE, a.k.a. Foxer, can win the third season GSL Open. This would give MarineKing 11000 points.

The GSL Opens have thus far been the prelude to the official GSL season which will begin in 2011. Despite it only being the Pre-season, it still hasn't stopped GOMTV from rewarding the winner of each Open a handsome prize of approximately $87,000 USD. One can only imagine how much the actual GSL season will reward.

GOMTV.net - Source

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