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GOMTV StarCraft 2 Open Round of 32 Day 4 - Battle Report

GOMTV StarCraft 2 Open: Round of 32
Korea FruitDealer versus Korea BoxeR @ Metalopolis
Both players spawned very close to each other with FruitDealer at the 12 o'clock base and BoxeR 9 o'clock position on Metalopolis. Again, this is not Lim, Yo-Hwan the legendary BroodWar player, but another player who is paying tribute to him.

BoxeR would elect to go a double barracks with a hidden barracks built to the side of his natural expansion. Marines would then come out to put pressure on FruitDealer and they even snipe out an Overlord of FruitDealer's, supply blocking him. He then snipes out a Queen along with another Overlord as well. BoxeR applied constant pressure and showed off Marine micro that would even make Lim, Yo-Hwan proud.

BoxeR's Marine micro leaving a trail of dead Zerglings

FruitDealer would not be able to stop BoxeR's constant Marine push until speed upgrade for his Zerglings finished. He pushes BoxeR back eventually, but only to find that BoxeR had also expanded while pushing and applying pressure. Eventually FruitDealer would have to type out as BoxeR's advantage was too strong.

There was very little that FruitDealer could do in this situation as the bases were just so close to each other that BoxeR could just provide such a strong constant pressure of Marines. Having his two Overlords and a Queen sniped was just too much as well. He would lose a total of 350 minerals along with the Queen's larva inject and the Overlord's supplies. BoxeR clearly caught FruitDealer off guard.

Korea FruitDealer versus Korea BoxeR @ Jungle Basin
At top left would be FruitDealer with BoxeR spawning at the bottom right. FruitDealer would go hatchery first into his natural while BoxeR would go a one barrack expansion into his natural. Again, four Marines would run in for BoxeR and runs right into FruitDealer's base to snipe out an Overlord and retreat.

BoxeR would pump out Marines while going for a quick reactored starport. Carefully timing a drop, BoxeR would produce two Medivacs and drop a heavy 16 Marine drop into FruitDealer's natural, takeing out a Baneling Nest that was being built and forcing FruitDealer to run his expansion drones away. Taking a huge advantage early BoxeR would never slow down his Medivac and Marine production.

With the match on the line, it looked like FruitDealer would be forced to GG, but he would fight on. BoxeR would attempt to push into FruitDealer's base, but this time FruitDealer would have a Baneling Nest up with a few Banelings to defend. BoxeR would be pushed back with a great Baneling drop into his Marine and Medivac army. Roaches then come out for FruitDealer to push BoxeR out of FruitDealer's base.

FruitDealer's infamous Baneling drop helps him to
stave of elimination for a little while

While it seemed like FruitDealer could make an incredible come back, he would fall short of it. BoxeR's constant production of Medicvacs would prove to be too much for FruitDealer as it became too hard for him to actually deal damage to BoxeR's army. Having provided constant pressure on FruitDealer, BoxeR would deny him from being able to make more Banelings. FruitDealer would eventually type out and give the match to BoxeR, giving a relatively early exit for the Season 1 champ.

GOMTV StarCraft 2 Open: Round of 32
Korea oGsInca versus Korea TankboyPrime @ Delta Quadrant
Inca spawned at the 1 o'clock position with Tankboy at the 8 o'clock position. Tankboy builds a Barracks at his front natural to hide the fact that he has two Barracks from Inca's Probe scout. Tankboy would then push into Inca's base and is able to build a bunker in there, but does not provide a lot of pressure on Inca.

Inca teched to Dark Templar but was discovered by a scan made by Tankboy. After the scan dissipates Inca would decide to cancel the Dark Templar Shrine and expands to his natural instead and upgrades Zealot speed. Despite the early pressure from Tankboy, Inca would end up dictating the pace of the game keeping Tankboy in his base while Inca builds up his army on two bases compare to Tankboy's one.

Inca would back up eventually let up and move back from Tankboy's ramp allowing Tankboy to move out. Without Inca's forces around, Tankboy moves out with his Marine and Marauder army. Once he hits the middle of the map, Inca would spring his trap and end up destroying Tankboy's army completely.

Springing Inca's Force Field trap, Tankboy loses his entire army

Korea oGsInca versus Korea TankboyPrime @ Scrap Station
Inca spawns at the 12 o'clock position with Tankboy at the 1 o'clock. Inca would open up with a second Assimilator after his Gateway and Cybernetics Core aiming for a more intensive gas build or army. Tankboy would also go for a second gas after his initial production buildings.

At one point Tankboy floats a factory into Inca's base, but floats short of finding Inca's Stargate which had a Voidray being made. Tankboy on the other hand creates a Raven from his Starport and even creates a second Starport. Inca would poke around Tankboys base with a Voidray, but does not end up doing much damage.

The majority of the game would be a standstill between both players, neither players would engage and elect to build up their armies. This however allowed Inca to just simply mass up a large amount of Voidrays which would just simply be too much for Tankboy to defend against. There final engagement would take place in the middle of the map with both players breaking down the destructible rocks at the same time to get to each other.

Making Voidrays, a good skill toi have?

There would be no chance for Tankboy as Inca would simply roll over him with over half a dozen Voidrays. Inca would take the game easily and be the first Protoss into the round of 16 in the GSL.

GOMTV StarCraft 2 Open: Round of 32
Korea NEXGenius versus Korea Gilja @ Blistering Sands
BlizzCon champion NEXGenius spawned at the top right position with old school gamer Gilja, aka Sync, at the top left. The game being played on Blistering Sands was a rare sight in the round of 32. Gilja would open up with a Reaper, Stim Pack research and a Marauder after the Reaper. A second and third Barracks would follow as well. He would then start taking down his own destructible rocks in the back of his base and pushes out with a small force of Marines, Marauders and a single Reaper.

Breaking down barriers for a quicker travel distance

Just as Gilja breaks down Genius' destructible rocks, he sends in a Reaper in an attempt to push Genius back to his mineral line. This does work and the Reaper goes down in the back of Genius' mineral line while Gilja would run in to snipe out an Immortal. However, this causes Gilja to lose the majority of his attacking army and pushes him back. Gilja would attempt to keep applying pressure with his bio army. With both destructible rocks down for both bases, the game remained quite tense as the walking distance between both bases were shorter.

Despite the early pressure, Gilja would find himself in a precarious situation with Genius knocking at his back door. Once Genius got a Colossus out, he would push into Gilja's base and end up taking the game.

Korea NEXGenius versus Korea Gilja @ Xel'Naga Caverns
Spawning at the top right would be Gilja with Genius at the bottom left. Gilja would go Marauder first before making a Marine to stop a scouting Probe from Genius. He then upgrades Stim Pack as well, possibly considering a quick Marauder push. Seeing the early tech lab attached to Gilja's Barracks, Genius would opt for a quick Robotics Facility.

With four Marauders, Gilja pushes out towards Genius' base and forces Genius to force field. At the same time Gilja would expand to his natural. Gilja would successfully push up Genius' ramp, but loses a lot of units while only taking out a few of Genius' units. Genius then decides to counter and catches Gilja off guard and takes out Gilja's entire army. Genius would simply walk over Gilja and take the match.

Genius' force fields trapping Gilja's army

A fairly one-sided game as Gilja would never be able to make his early Marauder push do a significant amount of damage. This led to a strong counter by Genius, who would take the game quite easily.

GOMTV StarCraft 2 Open: Round of 32
Korea SlayerSBoxeR versus Korea CoreJJang @ Steppes of War
The most anticipated match of the day has BoxeR spawning at the bottom left with CoreJJang at the top right. Playing with a little bit of trickery, BoxeR decides to build a techlab just as CoreJJang's Probe leaves, but as soon as it does, BoxeR cancels and creates a reactor instead. BoxeR then follows up with a proxy Starport and lifts it onto of the northern plateau expansion.

Boxer's proxy Starport, away from CoreJJang's scouting

BoxeR would then show great skill in his banshee harassing, taking out over a dozen probes of CoreJJang's. This forces CorreJJang to retreat the contain that he had on BoxeR and this allows BoxeR to expand. With his starport tech, BoxeR produces a Raven as well and then slowly builds up his Marine and Seige Tank army to move out.

BoxeR moves out into the middle and CoreJJang would attempt to flank BoxeR. However, BoxeR would catch this flank with a Banshee and would end up forcing CoreJJang to pull back his flank. BoxeR ends up taking away his Seige Tanks from his Marine army, but still ends up destroying the large majority of CoreJJangs army and cleans up with his Siege Tanks and Banshees taking game one.

BoxeR's girlfriend looks on as
he takes the first game quite easily

Korea SlayerSBoxeR versus Korea CoreJJang @ Scrap Station
BoxeR opens up with a factory creating a techlab at the island expansion for a starport that he would later land in the factory's place. CoreJJang would scout with a Phoenix scout and just barely misses the starport that was teching to Banshee with cloak. Phoenixes would be flying around for CoreJJang, but having these Phoenixes out would cost CoreJJang a Robotics Facility for a much needed Observer.

Like shooting fish in a barrel

BoxeR would eventually finish researching cloak for his Banshees and fly into CoreJJang's base to destroy his mineral line. With no Robototics Facility and no detection, CoreJJang was left to watch his probe count slowly disappear before typing out.

The Emperor

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