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General14 years agoRaistlin

KuroKy after GosuCup: 'My only chance was to try a weird strategy'

ffa017ac24ab7ac9219e60ff94a0e5324467867e4f5dccc5e3e8640ece.jpgKuro "KuroKy" Salehi Takhasomi, well known DotA player, was set up against the World of WarCraft player Olivier 'orly' Bellemans in the first round of GosuCup Invitational. After a tough series that was played out in three games, the DotA poster boy had to suffer defeat.

- "I felt so nervous playing the game. I haven't been that nervous playing a match for a really long time, but it was fun taking the challenge. I knew that he's the better player, so my only chance to win was to try some weird strategy he wouldn't expect," says KuroKy to GosuGamers after the match.

- "I went for a pool right away and started pushing as soon as I had my first zerglings up, added with two drones to make spine crawlers in his base. As the spinecrawlers went up, I felt more confident grabbing the win. I was so happy that it worked, haha," he tells us.

However, what started well ended bad for Kuro. Orly bounced back and won the following two matches.

"I was nervous playing him, I'm usually a relaxed player"
- "I was too slow getting my mutalisks and could have scouted better, he just outplayed me. For a moment I thought I could turn the game with my mutas, but he had too many roaches already. In the third game he simply played it down, I should have scouted the mutas, because my economy was going good enough to go for hydras," says KuroKy.

How does it feel to be competing in another game other than your "homefield game" DotA?
- "As I said, I was nervous playing him, I'm usually a relaxed player when it comes to DotA. It is a great change for once, I didn't play a lot of games yet but I might start playing more to compete in other tournaments soon."

What do you think of StarCraft 2 as a game?
- "I like the game a lot, but what I like even more is the fact that it combines the communities of WarCraft 3 and StarCraft 1 together. I'm still trying out all races, some games are rather boring because it's easy to mass expand and tower yourself up, but all in all it's a great game so far."

"I miss like 2000 Euros from various tournaments"
Do you feel that the game is so good that you might lean over completely to it and quit DotA?
- "The game is really good, but DotA is the best game of all times in my opinion. I thought about quitting DotA a while ago, because it's impossible to enjoy being a progamer. There are hardly any tournaments, and only a very few LAN tournaments in a year. Like now, 4 months passed and not a single nor an important tournament has started, it simply saddens me. This fact led me into playing really little DotA for some months now, I play up to 3-4 games a week. Another thing that saddens me is the fake money put in DotA, I miss like 2000 Euros from various tournaments. These events made me lose a lot of motivation, I mean, I'm a gamer, I love to play the game and prove myself, but the chances to really prove yourself is not given. Just one tournament outside europe in a year just doesn't cut it. So, to say it in short: I might change the game if I feel it's right to, time will tell."

- "My fans in the dota community is one of the main reasons for me to keep fighting, I love all my fans and my supporters, shoutouts to them for the support given through the years."

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