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StarCraft19 years agoRaistlin

iNsaNe cheated in eye. vs. Hc)


The first clanwar for the newly formed Gamingeye.bw, sponsored by the Swedish StarCraft site Gamingeye ended in a loss. Their opponents were Team Hardcore, an old school team now back in action. Afterwards, it turned out that iNsaNe)Hc) was cheating against eye.Mireille.

The new Sweden Gamingeye.bw clan, under the leadership of Sweden eye.Friend were very excited before this clanwar. And many believed that Team Hardcore was a too easy foe for the Nordic eye. lineup. But they proved wrong, as Team Hardcore took home three 1on1 matches thanks to Sweden StaR, Sweden iNsaNe and Sweden MoZ. The Norwegian Norway eye.Rapide won 2-0 against his opponent, and the always top WGTour 2on2 team Denmark eye.Dahli and Denmark eye.Pythonas won their 2on2 match 2-1.

Sweden Team Hardcore


Sweden Gamingeye.bw

Sweden StaR)Hc) > Denmark eye.Avi-Love 2-0
Sweden iNsaNe)Hc) > Norway eye.Mireille 2-1
Sweden MoZ)Hc) > Denmark eye.Dahli 2-0
Sweden BlackSuit)Hc) < Norway eye.Rapide 0-2
Sweden InsaNe)Hc)
Sweden Rollo)Hc) < Denmark eye.Dahli
Denmark eye.Pythonas

Over? Not really.

iNsaNe)Hc) caught cheating vs. Mireille

1141.jpgIn the match versus Norway eye.Mireille, the Swedish player Sweden iNsaNe)Hc) (pic), also known as emploenz, was caught cheating. He had been whispered to by Sweden PsN.GreeD, who observed the game. He made iNsaNe aware of the actions made by Mireille. One example was in the first game where GreeD told iNsaNe about an upcoming drop attempt by Mireille. This is not the first time cheating has occured surrounding PsN.GreeD and iNsaNe)Hc). Both players have been using maphack, smurfing, abuse and mass accounts before.

Avanger)Hc): "iNsaNe is kicked from Hc)"

In the » comments at Gamingeye, the leader of Team Hardcore - Avanger)Hc), says that iNsaNe has been kicked out of the clan, and that they will not allow GreeD have anything to do with the clan either. The administrator for the StarCraft section at Gamingeye - Sweden PAtriot has decided together with the Gamingeye administration to shut iNsaNe down and not let him in on any further events or tournaments hosted by Gamingeye. He was also a tournament manager, whose rights are also gone, of course.

eye.Mireille: "1st game might not have ended like it did"

72b67cf1a0a089128700149b72dee9bf3f6a67ba7cda227f1638eba40fiNsaNe have said he's sorry in » this forum post in Swedish, where he says that he regrets what he did and that he does not understand why he did it. In the first comments on the original newspost, Norway Mireille (pic) says that the first game might not have ended like it did if he had not cheated. But in the forum thread, Mireille replied to iNsaNe's post and said that "you would have probably won anyway", with a remark that he hope he won't do it again.

However, there are no news whether the match will be replayed, but most likely not since it was a friendly clanwar and Mireille's friendly attitude towards iNsaNe.

Gamingeye.com - Newspost about the clanwar
Gamingeye.com - Open apology from iNsaNe

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