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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

WCG Italy Complete


This past weekend, the best Italian gamers faced off in hopes of winning two tickets to WCG in Singapore. Something that had been denied to Italy for several years.

Italy Italy has just finished their Starcraft:Broodwar WCG Qualification tournament at the well-known NGI LAN. With many famous players in the Italian community playing, it would be tough to decide a clear winner.

Italy hopefully will be participating at Starcraft this year if all goes well, as opposed to previous years that due to lack of funding the entrance to WCG had been denied to them. In 2004, Italy Italy was unable to send a player to WCG for Starcraft. However, this would not stop them in 2005 to gain some sponsors to send two players to WCG in Singapore Singapore.

Sons of Law in Attendence

The well-known team based out of Italy have sent many players to represent them at WCG: Italy SoL.Manuel, Italy SoL.Stormy, Italy SoL.StaR (right), Italy SoL.geppo, Italy SoL.PrO, Italy SoL.RauDo and new members Italy SoL.Bionic and Italy SoL.BraiN each competeting along with many other players.

The tournament brought us some great games displaying the skill of the best players from Italy Italy. The top two players below have earned a spot to play in WCG 2005.

Final Results

1. Italy SoL.StaR
2. Italy SoL.Stormy (Cloud)

3. Italy SoL.cute (Geppo)
4. Italy SoL.Manuel (Giotta)
5. Italy SoL.Bionic (Ubriaco)
6. Italy SoL.BraiN
7. Italy SoL.PrO
8. Italy ThE)Call
9. Italy SoL.ZerG

In the next couple of days, the GG.net will be updating the news with pictures and more information from this event.

WCG Italy - Home of WCG Italy
BlizzardWorld.it - News in Italian

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