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WGTour Map Contest


Good maps are hard to come by but as our community has grown wiser many map makers already know many of the concepts that make a map balanced and apt for competition gaming. Wgtour is holding a map contest and they already have ten runner ups to the final. As always: there can only be one.

Wgtour is holding a Map Contest and out of the many maps submitted for this contest, ten have already been chosen to compete with each other. Who are the judges from now on? You. The winner will be chosen by a series of polls. One to choose the top five, then one to chose the top two, then one to chose the winner.

Democracy might not seem to be the best way to choose a map, but at least it's a system. The good thing about the system is that Map improvements of the maps submitted and competing is allowed during the competition. This means that not only will we have a winner, but the winning maps will actually improve by the end of the contest. Constructive criticism is of course welcomed.

As mentioned making maps with a series of guidelines so that the end result is a balanced map has the unwanted consequence of producing many similar looking maps. This is very true for this series of maps. They're almost all 8 mineral patch/base maps with the exception of a 7 mineral patch/base and a 9 mineral patch/base map. Sorry, no hungry maps in this batch of maps (maps with less than 7 mineral patch/base.)

No great risk takers either with the exception perhaps of Bill307's map, Plains of Ares, and Moraelin's map, Imbroglio of Mishap (I believe he will be updating the name), both with a double-base type map, each with a gas (or within base expansion as I like to classify them.) Fortunately there are only three Temple-like maps, albeit very well made.

They are all good maps, OrionI by Mind crime, the 9 patch/base map, is probably a fun map for long 2v2’s. Only one map maker was crazy enough to choose arctic terrain, Opposite Faces, by BIGloOl and I wish him good luck for his courage. So go have fun and vote for your favorite one at WGTour. And my vote? Who cares, but in my opinion one map stands out above all the others: Moraelin's map, with Bill307's closely following it. I hope everyone follows Bill307's and stimey's example and adds observer slots.

We will be making a map pack and uploading it to our map section too when the final versions are done. In the meantime you can download them at WGTour.
Now choose a map and go vote for it, if voting is you thing.

» Vote at WGTour Map Contest

Broken Tradition by SoL.Troku[tC]

Cold Revenge by oG)LoNiC

Divine Swamp by NyM

Imbroglio of Mishap by Moraelin

Opposite Faces by BIGloOl

Orion by Mind-crime

Plains of Ares by Bill307

Tradition by stimey

Turtles in Kenya by Joseph[cF]

Uniform Mortality by tA)R-Euphoria

» Vote at WGTour Map Contest

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