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StarCraft15 years agoRaistlin

ESC edge out a one-game-win over ToT

ToT 2-3 ESC
Poland ToT)ParanOid( 2 - 1 Poland ESC.Dreiven
Netherlands ToT)ret( 1 - 2 Ukraine ESC.White-Ra
Poland ToT)MoonShine( 0 - 2 Canada ESC.IefNaij
Germany ToT)Mondragon( 1 - 2 Chile ESC.DinOt
China ToT)LJT(
Canada ToT)XiaOzI(
2 - 0 Chile ESC.DinOt
Germany ESC.GhosTa
In the clash of the season, we saw ESC-Gaming bear down Templars of Twilight in a unnerving 3-2 (7-6) victory. As followers saw White-Ra, IefNaij and DinOt grab a win each it was apparent that the points granted by GOsia and the Templars duo LJT/XiaOzI's were not enough to come out on top this time.

IefNaij, ESC-Gaming's ace player, defeated MoonShine on Blue Storm and Destination in two very straight up games. IefNaij went 14 nexus on Blue Storm while MoonShine opted for 3 hatch hydra. With well-placed storms and a superb unit control IefNaij was able to rip the Zerg army to shreds in the middle battle ground.

4e263a848213f6404e5e60a65340865331869bc5b6c94ad3d6738680ad.jpgIefNaij ripping MoonShine's hydralisks to slobs.

On the second game on Destination we saw a similar match, IefNaij efficiently sneaked a dark templar in to the Polish Zerg player's second natural expansion, and ran away with 12 kills all in all before an overlord could detect it. MoonShine hoped to surprise IefNaij and tackle him down with a hydra/ling/lurker drop, but IefNaij had his base well-covered by Photon cannons.

MoonShine was instead knocked over by IefNaij's well-timed counter with zealots, dragoons and high templars. This was too much for the Templars of Twilight member, and had to admit defeat.

White-Ra was able to defeat ret with a close 2-1 Protoss versus Zerg series. White-Ra won the first game on BlueStorm after a back-and-forth 19-minute-long game where ret's early mutalisks put some pressure on White-Ra. But the elderly Ukrainian came back and thundered down his opponent despite losing his natural expansion in a tough position.

The two hydralisk and zerglings pushes on the 10- and 12-minute-mark really made a difference for ret in the second game, this one on Medusa. ret took control of the game and placed many expansions across the map. White-Ra was able to come back, and with the zealot, dragoon and high templar mix, he reached as far as to ret's first natural. It looked dark for ret, but when the defilers entered the fray and his units could surround the Protoss army, it turned around for the Dutchman and could even out the score 1-1.

ret successfully dark swarming the last push from White-Ra.

But it was not enough, as White-Ra was able to quickly end the third game on Destination after 8 minutes.

The young Chilean Zerg player DinOt surprisingly defeated the Templars of Twilight captain Mondragon by a 2-1 score. The very monotonous Zerg mirror matches were played out on BlueStorm, Colosseum and Destination. Mondragon was able to win the first game, on BlueStorm, only to see his opponent control the skies with >mutalisks in the second and third.

The only player for Templars of Twilight who was able to win a 1on1 series was GOsia who outnumbered his countryman Dreiven 2-1. A sweet victory for the ToT player who only the day before suffered defeat in the iCCup Clanleague.

WGTour Clanleague Standings
Russia RoX-Gaming 3-0 16
Germany ESC-Gaming 3-0 14
Europe Templars of Twilight 2-1 13
Poland Zajebiście Zjebany Zespół 2-1 11
Spain Los Reyes Del Mambo 1-1 7
Sweden Nerds at Work 1-1 6
United States eXpertise 1-2 6
Czech Republic Derava Kaspa 1-2 5
Sweden Brood War 0-3 4
Korea NeO roxOr Team 0-3 2

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