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StarCraft15 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Endurance Tournament for the Child's Play charity


Diggity over at SC2GG announced a month ago that a tournament would be held in honor of the 10th anniversary StarCraft. This tournament is called Endurance and has a very special goal: To raise money for the Child's Play charity.

About Child's Play

For those of you who are unaware of what Child's Play does, here's a quick rundown. The charity accepts donations in the form of books, toys, games and cash with the purpose of giving to hospitalized children that may not get to experience such things otherwise. Since they started out doing this gamers around the world have donated millions of dollars in the form of toys, games and cash to support this, making the lives of sick children a bit more fun for them.

So this is what the goal of the Endurance tournament is, as well as to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the game itself.

About Endurance

The tournament itself incorporates seperate tournaments for standard Brood War, Big Game Hunters and fastest maps respectively. The qualifiers have just finished and the confirmed finalists are listed below in their respective game mode:

Endurance Tournament
OnlyCW [7x]MaxddabongSailence
LG)HandyInsideTerran(aka nrg.ertyui)beater

Next week on Saturday 22nd at 13.00 EST all the Bo3 finals will take place. It will be streamed and commentated by Diggity here.

Being a tournament it naturally has prizes. The tournament winner will receive a goodie bag from Blizzcon, 50$ in cash as well as a StarCraft 2 beta key. The second prize winner will receive a mouse and mouse pad from Razer. Not in the tournament? There's still a chance to win something. The top donor will also receive a StarCraft 2 beta key, so go on and donate!

How to donate

If you wish to donate just head on over here. Even if it's only a few dollars, every little bit helps! Stay tuned for updates on the tournament and the participants. And do go on and donate for the children!

sc2gg.com - Donate here!
mogulus.com - Stream
childsplaycharity.org - Child's Play main website

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