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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Mazor on TV tonight!

[s]interview[/s]Documentary about computer games violence and interview with Mazor regarding the subject to be broadcasted today in Swedish TV4.

IT ACTUALLY BEGAN more than a year ago, when I had a profile text about gaming. It was when GosuGamers were Swedish and had the domain .net instead of .com. The text was describing a situation where I had been affected after playing Counter-Strike too long, I suddenly got the feeling to shoot down my friend's mother in the middle of the night.

Anyway, an organization working with computer violence and support for parents with overly affected children, called Fair-Play, held a preview of a documentary including a debate about the subject. They invited me and wanted me to read this text.

The documentary is called "Dödligt Spel" (Deadly Games) and will be broadcasted on the Swedish TV-Channel 4, Wednesday 21.00 CET. After we saw the documentary, a debate began and some were pre-invited to discuss the matter. One of them was Sweden Andreas "bds" Thorstensson (Head manager and owner of Schroet Kommando) and professors, politicans and others. I was the only person there representing the youth which this is really all about.

Many of the debate members kept on generalizing that all games are evil, extreme, violent and such, which I felt is not really the case. When it was my turn, I read my text (I was really nervous) and it all went well. Afterwards, the moderator asked me how I thought parents can reach out to their children and make gamers become interested themselves in limiting the violent in games and even limiting the time spent in front of computers in general.

Since no other young person had spoken before, my arguments got a very nice response from the audience (about 300 people) and I was interviewed by several big newspapers in Sweden afterwards.

This morning, Swedish TV4 sent down a team to Linköping and made an interview with me and my mother about this matter. They even asked me to play some Starcraft and Counter-Strike, and recorded meanwhile. I was playing my brother and my bad split was recorded and my marines being slaughtered while attacking about 6 sunkens, haha!

Anyway, I don't know which parts of it they will broadcast but hopefully a few scenes of me playing Starcraft and parts of the interview. I'm not sure which other topics they will bring up but there will apparently be some news about other gaming violence related issues.

Check Swedish TV4 at:
Mazor interview: Today (2nd Mars) 18.30 news.
Docuementary "Dödligt Spel": Tomorrow (3rd Mars) 21.00.

An article discussing this matter including good tips and such will hopefully be published at the site within days, so keep your debate arguments regarding the matter until then!
Update 1 - Program available on TV4.seThe short program was released on the TV4.se homepage today. Go to www.tv4.se and press "Nyheterna" and in the right menu there's a picture and some quotes. Press the link saying "Webb-TV Spelar några timmar om dagen" and a real player window will open. And yes, "Andreas Littke" is simply a typo made by them.

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