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StarCraft17 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Draco and SEn in the same group in PGL


The Polish Protoss and the Taiwanese Zerg are in the same group in the Chinese event.
- The groups all look very tough, says GosuGamers Editor-in-Chief Raistlin.

It has been a problem for PGL, to get a correct list of players. As an example Testie couldn't show up due to Visa problems, White-ra was also invited but aren't in the list either.

Finally the groups are made official, and it has been very clever put up: First of all, they have only 1 Korean in each group, and they tried to stay out of having more than 2 of a single race in the group.

Worth nothing is that the two original Koreans are not attending. According to a comment by Seth Yu at » MeetYourMakers.com, the MBCHero members n.Die_Jaehoon and Saint[z-zone] had to attend a business activity in Korea. Instead the two Sparkyz members herb and Ruin took their spot.

PGL Group A
China WE.PJ
China Phoenix66
Korea Sparkyz herb
Poland BVG.Fosken

PGL Group B
Taiwan MYM.Sen
Poland Draco
Korea Sparkyz Ruin
China Beckham
PGL Group C
China Bet.Legend
China ChinaTTTT
Korea Devil
China So.K_LK
PGL Group D
China Ehome.Super
China Jifeng
Korea Cozy
China GOL

Discuss the groups in the comments below.

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