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General21 years ago

sGPL: AyreZ vs Mondi

[s]sgpl[/s]Last time we saw Netherlands ret write a battlereport, well now it is our new crewmember at sG Norway Axion who wrote a battlereport. Earlier this week Sweden AyreZ faced yet another Zerg opponent Germany ToT)Mondragon(, so with a ZvZ game in his blood from last week he would be ready for yet another one. But, Mondragon had other plans...

Axion reporting;

Game 1 - Teching Toss

The first game was played on Plains to Hill. AyreZ spawns at the upper left corner, and ToT)Mondragon spawns at the upper right corner.

AyreZ went hatch, pool and gas while Mondragon went for one gateway, but instead of a new gate, he made a forge and went on a little rush, two probes and two zealots. Mondragon arrived when the pool was 90% finished. And did not manage to so much damage, Mondragon tried to take AyreZ cliff with a cannon and a zealot block. But AyreZ managed to get up there and took out the cannon. Mondragon made a nexus on his natural, and defended it well with five Zealots and a shitload of cannons, he went for two robotics facility and one stargate, making Reavers and Corsair. AyreZ went for his Zergling\Hydra\Lurker mix.

Mondragon went round killing AyreZ expands with his reavers. AyreZ expanded around on the map and was busy running around to defend. And now Mondragon expanded on the upper and the right island, also here a ayrezvsmondi_reavers.gifshitload of cannons. Mondragon dropped six Reavers in AyreZ main and had some backup corsairs, AyreZ killed the reavers and most of the shuttles nicely, but his Hive was severly damaged. Mondragon came back a minute later and killed the Hive with a few Reavers. Mondragon started teching to carriers and hallucination. Now AyreZ did some strange shit, he attacked his own hatchery on his downleft expansion and killed it, just before Mondragon got there with his 6 reavers and some corsairs. Just a little while after, Mondragon made it GG when he sent his carriers against AyreZ main. 1-0 to ToT)Mondragon(


Game 2 - Zerglings vs Zerglings

Next game AyreZ picked Gaema Gowon. AyreZ @ 12 and Mondragon @ 8. Both players going pool -> gas. But AyreZ was making fast lair, while Mondragon was making second hatchery, then a late lair. Mondi started to make some zerglings and attacked AyreZ. 6vs6 lings. Then two more came and Mondragon was in AyreZ base with his four lings, but he didn’t make so much damage. Now Mondragon started to produce more zerglings and attacked again. With his zerglings he managed to kill AyreZ spire. AyreZ tried to take out the zerglings with his drones, but failed.. AyreZ got one mutalisk out. Then Mondragon made four scourge and one muta. And with one muta he took out all of AyreZ drones. And he also upgraded the second hatchery to a lair, and expanded, as the match was over. 2-0 ToT)Mondragon.

Match overview

Germany Mondragon
> Sweden AyreZ
Plains to Hill
» 1-0
Germany Mondragon
> Sweden AyreZ
Gaema Gowon
» 2-0

Group statistics
Group 1 (The zerg group)Win / Loss
Sweden TreK2-0
Lithuania Anon1-1
Germany Mondragon1-1
Sweden AyreZ0-2

With 2 wins and 0 losses, Sweden TreK is already in the Semifinals. In his last game he'll face Sweden AyreZ, who has unfourtunatly no chance to make it to the Semifinals. But on the other hand we have a nice Zerg vs Zerg clash next week between Lithuania Anon and Germany Mondragon. The winner will end up in second place in the group and also be qualified for the Semifinals.

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