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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

F2F: Predy 4-1 Pomi


On Wednesday happened face 2 face match between young and already famous gamer from Czech Republic Predy, and strong protoss from Russia known as Pomi. As many of you know after 5 games Predy was standing strong with a score 4-1 in his favour..

Match had its problems as initially the f2f was planned between Sarens and Pomi, but Sarens couldn’t play on the date scheduled due to personal reasons. We couldn’t contact him for some time after so we changed him for Predy. On the scheduled day one more problem occured when CDS)Jump contacted Pomi on his own and asked for reschedule to a later hour for the video cast. Pomi refused and didn't understand him that well so he just went drinking and smoking with his friends thinking that the match is canceled. I contacted him later and even though he was not in a good condition to play, being high, he kindly agreed to still play the match. So knowing all that we come to the results:

Predy 4-1 Pomi
Czech Republic Predy 0-1 Russia Pomi @Ride of Valkyries
Czech Republic Predy 1-1 Russia Pomi @Rush-Hour III
Czech Republic Predy 2-1 Russia Pomi @R-point
Czech Republic Predy 3-1 Russia Pomi @Luna
Czech Republic Predy 4-1 Russia Pomi @Arcadia

As you can see Pomi managed to win only the first game, better macro and arbiter on 13th minute made it. Second game was fun as initial attack by Predy killed the dragoons of Pomi and he strarted to harass probes. Great micro by Pomi, constant attack by Predy, espesially nice was the dragoon on the natural standing surrounded by mines. 3rd game was fast, just push by Predy, some bad moves from Pomi and it was over. 4th game was decided by several valture drops for Predy, good macro/micro by Pomi but bad decicion making. Same goes to the last game, Arkadia, Pomi didn't know the map so the game was akward, even Predy after the game said it was a bad map.

I took interview with Predy after the win:
Interview with Predy

What are you feelings after beating Pomi 4-1?

- I feel very satisfied, because i know he is really good Protoss and i expected close matches.

Sure, but the last games were not so close. What do you think about the games?

- Well, first game, i just played "very bad", but i saw his strategy and BO so i was able to adapt and play good strategies. Like rush or drop.

Do you have some game or moment in the match that you liked or just remeber? Some strategic move or maybe funny moment?

- Well, i think the whole game#2 was really full-action, with some good micro. And i'd like to see his face when we played on Arkanoid and i did some drops on the "island" near the expos. I think he was like "wtf there isn't able to land units" ^_^ j/k

He never played that map before so he had to adopt. Any other comments about the match?

-Hm just thx for manner, Good Games have been played.

Ok, what do you think about the f2f matches in general ?

- Yea it's good competition for players, i think there is or was a website about f2f matches? There are many good players just discover them!

And a few questions about the WCG, what do you think about the WCG Chech Republic, your result there and about Dark_Caleb winning it?

- Nobody expected that Dark_Caleb could win it, everything can happen and he has really much experiences with these important tournaments. On the other hand i haven't got so much exps like other players, so i ended on 5th-6th place, which is quite disapointment for me.

Yeah, i also expected you to do better. I hope next year you will take it! Your forecast for the WCG Grand Final? Foreigners against koreans? Who can reach top3 from foreginers?

- This year it's gonna be hard because of really strong koreans, but there is still chance for some good players like Androide, or Draco, and i personally hope for Raven. Pitty that SEn can't go there T_T

Yeah, sen would have a good shot. Anyway, thanx for the nice showmatch and a good interview. Have any shoutouts?

- Hehe, i don't like this part of the intw :P Well, just root for me and i'll do still better and better! :)

Congratulations to Predy, he faced strong opponent and proved again that he is cappable of winning strong palyers. So we wish him good luck in future and hope him to win national WCG next year

Gosugamers.net - Replaypack Predy vs Pomi
Gosugamers.net - Previous news F2F: Sarens vs Pomi

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