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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Boxer forever!


A new site has opened its doors, and has already gotten attention by the emperor himself. Boxerforever.com is on the air. Created by a vietnamese player nicked 'mrdungx', it is a site filled with information about the terran emperor.

The emperor, starcraft king, the most known starcraft player ever. Lim Yo Hwan, or 'Slayers_`Boxer`' as he was mostly known, will have to depart to the army soon. However, he has already announced that he wants to continue playing after his army service, saying: "I still want to be a progamer when I'm in my thirties."

753a2330221a8e78d28e016a0341e57c6aa04d6dc875875fcd539a1da0.jpgThe news of the site has already been posted on
Fighterforum.com, where Boxer has responded:
I am grateful for the passion it shows. I am always thankful for fan interest and was again shocked by foreign fans' passion. I am simply taking a break to open the path for my juniors. I especially like the writing on the bottom of the page, 'We know you will be back.'

The site includes VODs of the emperor, articles, images, a description of his career, and much more. But, you can still contribute. Simply send a mail to Admin at boxerforever dot com. Visit the site, and contribute. There's a good chance that the emperor will read your contribution.

Teamliquid.net - Forum thread - source
Fighterforum.com - News (korean)
Boxerforever.com - Boxer forever!

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