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StarCraft21 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Socke vs SuKeR

[s]sgpl[/s]Another interesting match has been played in the sGPL. This time it was a battle for the third place in Group B, where Sweden TreK and Norway Eriador already have qualified. Germany Socke (0-2) faced Spain SuKeR (0-2).

Game 1 - See it!
The first game of their match started at Nostalgia. Socke began with a zealot rush against SuKeR's natural expansion that he was beginning to build. The game developed into something really interesting. Psionic storms, maelstroms, plague, dark swarms, ultralisks, hydralisks, dark templars, zealots, archons, dragoons, zerglings and lurkers fought in a game which was intense to the end, and included some great battles in the middle of the map to determine the winner.

It ends up with SuKeR winning it, using 6-7 expansions and 5000 minerals to produce enough amounts of units to kill Socke in the end. See this game!


Game 2 - What a shorty
The second game was surprisingly short, it didn't last more than 4 minutes if I remember correctly. SuKeR was playing Terran and Socke his Protoss, this time on Forbidden Zone. SuKeR made a vulture drop into Socke's main, but it was quite unsuccessful. He managed to kill some probes but nothing more. Meanwhile Socke's reaver had the time to fire about 5-6 scarabs ("fire our shit!!") against an undefended SCV-army in SuKeR's main. Not much to do than to Alt-Q-Q the game for the only Spanish member in this league.

Game 3 - A rematch?
The third game was something that looked like a rematch for Socke. The same map, positions and races as the first game (PvZ @ Nostalgia). SuKeR produced lots of zerglings and attacked in waves against Socke's main. The defending zealots (2) and dragoons (2) held out for a long time with help from a shield battery. But after a while, the virtual wall-in was broken and the zerlings attacked straight into the main. But there we saw a reaver doing his job quite well - protecting the sons of adun. It also got the chance to revenge the death of it's bothers. The reaver went straight against SuKeR's main but didn't really do any serious damage until it was backed up by some dragoons. Socke attacked SuKeR's expansion and finished him, the game, the match and the group. None of the players will advance to the second group stage of the league but Socke ended up third (1-2) and SuKeR last (0-3) in Group B.

Match overview

Spain SuKeR[pG]> Germany Socke[pG] Nostalgia» 1-0
Germany Socke[pG]> Spain SuKeR[pG] Forbidden Zone» 1-1
Germany Socke[pG] > Spain SuKeR[pG] Nostalgia» 2-1

Group standings
As all the matches in this group have been played, these are the final statistics in the group:

Group B Wins / Loss
Sweden ToT)TreK(PL3-0
Norway Eriador[pG]2-1
Germany Socke[pG]1-2
Spain SuKeR[pG]0-3

sG Power League - All information about the league

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