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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

SunCow's courage group


There have been many rumors around whether SunCow and Draco will go to Korea and how they will do against other top Koreans. Apparently it is time for both to pack their bags.

Both players showed very decent results in the tournaments they participated, Poland mYm.Draco won DreamHack Summer'06, got a high position on the Korean-dominated ladder PGTour and is doing very well in the various tournaments he is playing in. Same goes for Poland mYm.SunCow, high rank on PGTour, winner of the Polish Championship tournament and good results in the recent tournaments. Due to rumors and knowing from hearsay many dates have been called and announced as the official date of their departure.

Leaving Poland next Monday, a fly to success?!

According to Poland SF)CruiseR both will leave Poland heading for South-Korea next Monday from a airport in Germany. b008d149dba3f72b0e4eef8985c449dbe6e270a06b28a67bdd4f3f78e6.jpgSunCow (picture) will live in the family house of Korea Siz) , Draco on the other hand will sleep in the house of SLoG4[pG]. Supposedly the trip has been sponsored by their team Europe MeetYourMakers, but how much money is involved and how much each of the players pay on his own will mostly probably be a secret. As soon as they started playing Korea, both players will compete in the courage tournament, a tournament with several groups, each consisting of 18 players and in which the winner of each group gets the possibility to join a team, participate in MBC/OGN or play in the proleague for the team he joins (SKTelecom , KTF for example). SunCow knows already his group and tells how big his chances against each of the players are. Draco's group has been announced too, but unfortunately they only named the Korean names of the player, which makes it difficult to recognize them. A Korean friend will try to work out the Battle.net ID's of them. The mappool for the courage tournament will be : - Rush Hour III, - 815 III, - Sin Pioneer Period.

SunCow's opponents and his thoughts of them

Korea Siz)Cure - I'm winning
Korea HeirOfKoala - I'm winning
Korea N.die_NonStop - I'm winning
Korea Passion[Gsp] - I'm winning
Korea Sea[Gsp] - I don't know, I didn't play
Korea Pause[Gsp] - I'm winning
Korea Spear[Shield] - I'm winning
Korea Sea.LuZ - I don't know him
Korea Oops[Shield] - I'm winning
Korea Nsp_Yorker - I don't know him
Korea Crystal[InCa] - I'm winning
Korea Only[S.G] - He's hard
Korea Siz)Hero - I'm winning
Korea c1y2s3[fou] - He's hard
Korea HanJo[fou] - Very hard
Korea Siz)o.Ov - Very hard, but I'm winning
Korea Siz)FlaSh - Very hard, stats 6-9 for him
Poland Siz)SunCow - That's me

It is surely a very tough group, still GosuGamers wishes both players the best of luck in Korea. In spite of the success mYm.Draco and mYm.SunCow have it will be a great experience for both of them. For further discussions about their chances I recommend our forum thread. Links to sources are given below.

TeamLiquid.net - Source
GosuGamers.net - Discussion thread

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