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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Night over Aiur

Doom to all who threathen the homeworld! For adun, brave sons of Aiur!

sc_over.gif-- Check out the ressurected skin Night over Aiur for the StarCraft section, made by Bizkit 2003 and reimplemented by Mazor yesterday night. It's a skin originally made for GosuGamers.net years ago. That skin, including a lot of others, were made incompatible when GosuGamers was launched early 2005. We now polished it and took it back in it's original form - almost.

Go to Settings - Skins to preview and/or switch.

Hope you enjoy!

Please note: A few tweaks and modifications are still being made with the skin, it's somewhere on 95% completion. Please report broken images below.

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