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StarCraft21 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

sGPL - Round 2 schedule

[s]sgpl[/s]Tonight the sG Power League round 2 will begin. We have a lot of great matches for you to see, all the replays will be published as the round is over.
Group A
Sweden Legion[Gamei] > Autowin
Germany CopeTheUnknown vs. United States Rekrul[pG]

Group B
Spain SuKeR[pG]vs. Sweden TreK-PL
Norway Eriador[pG] vs. Germany Socke[pG]

Group C
Germany ToT)Mondragon( vs. Poland sYs(DUNE)
Brazil Hellghost[pG]> Autowin

Group D
Lithuania iD.Anon > Walkover
Germany Fisheye[pG] vs. Canada VeG[pG] *
* = Wild carded. Time and date to be announced.

As you can see, Sweden Legion[Gamei] was about to play Netherlands L.Nazgul[pG] but that game is cancelled. Nazgul told us he only was there for Arch as a reserve for that match and not as a full participant of the league. We have chosen not to replace this spot since one match has already been played. I must express our disappointment about now having 2 empty spots in the league and that we experience it as boring as most of you probably do. We wish the remaining 14 players good luck in tomorrow's games (20.00 CET, all starting on JR's Memory) and hope that you will all listen to the broadcast. URL to the Winamp Shoutcast Radio will be published tomorrow and we will at that time announce which game we are going to broadcast.

Update *
There will be no broadcast tonight for various reasons. We hope that we can solve them and be back with broadcast from round 3 if the interest in still there.

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