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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers



What food does Homer Simpson crave? The Doughnut of course!

MilleniumArmy has recently created his map Doughnut, and it has already won the Map of the Week contest at BWM.N.

(2)Doughnut by MilleniumArmy
Featured Map of The Week @ Broodwarmaps.net. Click picture to discuss map

This uncommon map offers several fresh concepts and ideas put together, while still not being the overkill. Due to its creativity in structure, it should be able to be the base for some fast and cheesy and original games. The overall layout screams for dynamic battles with much harassing and a lot of hit-and run-action.
by Germany flothefreak at BWM.N

The offer still stands. Add me to MSN ([email protected]) or AIM (epidion27) and challenge me to a bo3 on BWM maps of your choice. If you win, you'll get a mention in the next MotW newspost.

I only got one challenge last week, and that came from a Guest user at GG.net. If you want your name and a big sexy victory in a newspost, challenge me!

BroodWarMaps - The Newest MotW

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