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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

On PG24 TV?

BW-Mireille vs Poland mYm.SunCow this Wednesday on PG24TV - Place your mineral bets @ Gosubets!

Reminder: Czech multi-game ProGaming Internet TV, PG24, will broadcast a Starcraft Showmatch & VOD again this comming wednesday.

czetv.jpgThis coming Wednesday Czech Online TV PG24 will air their next sowmatch. There are really almost no such events for our game online so when someone takes the time and money to make them happen, please show them our support. We would also like to know how serious their bandwith power is, so enjoy and test that Czech technology.
Norway BW-Mireille vs Poland mYm.SunCow

They will play in our next PG24 showmatch. Please add them to gosubets!
Maps will be: LT, nostalgia, luna, r-point, Ride of valkyries.
Channel op pg24
Date Wednesday, 20:30

Quoting Czech Republic CDS)Jump, 1com member, who was kind enough to inform us in a timely fashion. Gosubets added!

PG24.Cz - Stay Tuned!

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