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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Ret joins [SomE]


Ret, formerly of the recently disintegrated Trademark Gamers, and International Division prior to that, has joined the multi-nation team [SomE].

96ae5508438ef9cb14bb301443a551a616441e252ded367274986c599fA statement from TeamSomE.com reads:
We are proud on give a very warm welcome to our newest Brood War player; one addition that will come to help our team to grow and to make it stronger. To the experience and talent of Jos whom you all may know better as "ret", we can add countless achievements like a good performance at WCG 2003, and a respected position among the Brood War community.

After being on teams like Europe International Division (iD) and United States Trademark-Gamers (TmG) he will come to offer all this to our team and that's why we gladly present you, our newest team mate and friend Jos "ret" de Kroon, who since now on will be known as Netherlands ret[SomE].

We were able to catch Netherlands ret (pic) for a quick interview on himself and his starcraft career.

Verbatim: State your age and location, please
ret: 20, Netherlands.

Verbatim: You've played on many other clans before, and I know TmG has just broken up, why [SomE]? Did they pursue you?
ret: It seems like a good team and a friendly bunch of people, I like that kind of enviroment in teams so they seemed like a good choice.

Verbatim: Nice. Since when exactly have you played StarCraft?
ret: I started around november 2001. I had a lot of breaks though.

Verbatim: Obviously a veteran of the game. What are your goals for the upcoming year? WCG wins if WCG occurs in your area?
ret: I don't think there's gonna be WCG for Netherlands, I'm just gonna play to have fun, and try to compete in some tournaments/leagues online and maybe offline if there's a chance.

Verbatim: Any shoutouts the the community or your friends?
ret: Not really, no.

Verbatim: Well then thanks for your time, and good luck in the future.
ret: Thanks, you too.

We wish Netherlands ret luck in his future endeavors and hope he will continue his presence in the StarCraft community.

GosuGamers - Ret's Database Profile
TeamSome - Source

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