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PG24: Czech ProGaming TV



Czech multi-game ProGaming Internet TV recently launched its first broadcasting that will run day in day out, 24 hours, 365 days. It will feature one hour a week on StarCraft.

Internet Killed the Video Star? The only thing that has been keeping the future of TV as we know it alive has been bandwidth limitations. The greater the distribution of broadband and the wider it becomes, the more will the internet assimilate TV as we know it. TV will not exactly die out, as neither did radio when video came out, but things will indeed change for the better. The internet started purely as a functional communication tool for data transfer and it has been growing ever since, only to include, and soon assimilate, the entertainment industry. The internet is gradually becoming our entry level info-portal for everything: mail, radio & video.
"Thursday will be the official Czech internet TV first broadcasting, all about proGaming. 24 hours every day, every week players can watch televiews about their favorite games. Replays, movies, demos, interviews, news, information about tournaments, Czech and foreign scene - about everything" -

Czech Republic Lukas CDS)Jump Vobecky

Czech ProGaming TV has just launched its internet broadcasting and it will include an hour a week for our favorite game: StarCraft. 1com member, Czech Republic Lukas CDS)Jump Vobecky, will be the StarCraft commentator and StarCraft program manager so he will have a say in what gets broadcasted and what does not. Maybe we will see some live western action finally online.

So far the service is free and it is of course geared to the Czech gaming community. Watching it has already made me want to buy a couple of games but I shall resist such temptation. We are looking forward to the StarCraft hour and see what CDS)Jump will bring us. He is open to suggestions though, PM here at GG.net and you might just see your suggestion on TV. The phenomena started in South Korea and as the hardware support spreads so will the rest. With a potential of 500 million gamers world wide, and an online gaming industry moving now money in the billion dollar range, the demand is there and it is huge.

PG24.cz - Internet ProGaming

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