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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

King of Vietnam Tournament


Probably the first of many, this King of Vietnam Tournament turned out to be quite an interesting one. After an entire week of playing with top Vietnamese gamers the final two were set. The winner; hL)A_Ngoc won without a loss in the finals.

This is the first tournament organized by the VietStarCraft.Com website.
In order to weed out all the other players a tournament was held to find out who the 2 best players for the King of Vietnam finals were. VietStarCraft.Com had a best of three double-elimination tournament, which lasted almost an entire week. The tournament had such a nice tournament as many good players showed up. Vietnam V)ip_medusa, Vietnam hL)A_Ngoc, Vietnam DVN.Solidfox, and Vietnam 3w)Bosser. But than it came down to just the final two, one being a Zerg gamer and the other being a very good Protoss gamer, both players were members of the Hoan Long team which is mostly Vietnamese. Vietnam hL)A_Ngoc was the first player to qualify, while Vietnam hL)Prohand was the second.

hL)A_Ngoc> hL)Prohand@ Luna1-0
hL)A_Ngoc> hL)Prohand@ Gaia2-0
hL)A_Ngoc> hL)Prohand@ Gaia3-0

Vietnam hL)A_Ngoc defeated Vietnam hL)Prohand with a final score of 3 to 0. Now hL)A_Ngoc will have a new title, King of Vietnam. With this victory hL)A_Ngoc will also receive $25 USD from the host of the event, VietStarCraft.Com!

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