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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Testie and Mondragon interview


Over at ToT's new domain, there's a brand new interview with Mondragon and Testie. Both interviews are meant for translation into Korean in an effort to bring the two communities closer together.

The interviewer is South Korea Moon[3.33]. The interviews were done in English initially, but are translated into Korean for the 3.33 clan site and the Korean news site http://e-kasa.co.kr, which is a news portal. E-kasa is an acronym for E-sports Korean amateur StarCraft Association.

49d29e0cbe2975830524da82c3165bb65f18edb2dfe8ecbca0971c39d0Canada Testie gives some interesting answers in his interview. When asked about his win against South Korea Silent_Control in WCG Testie said: "Well, PvT is a very easy matchup. Not saying he is an easy opponent, but PvT is just very basic. And on Gaia it is especially easy where you can always know exactly what terran has, and almost do not care what he has." He also gives the link to his profile in the GosuGamers database when asked about his achievements. Hopefully this is an indication of how far the database has come.

9fbce138d6cf7acf327d40ecc5fdf549a2668159d835e44b2293562151Germany Mondragon explains how ToT started, why he chose his nick and explains why he plays Zerg. "the hardest game(s) I played were probably on Blizzcon this year. Against Nal_ra and Reach. I was really excited to play them offline, and in my opinion I did a good job" Most people will argue that Mondragon's performance in those games were indeed very good.

It's nice to see some Korean interest in the non-korean community. Both interviews are quite long and so far only Mondragon's interview is availiable in Korean, but Testie's will be shortly. Go read them at the ToT site in the link below.

ToT - Interviews in full length
E-kasa - Korean site

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