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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

RR : EveR vs. BaSs


R-Point - a map which has given us a lot of nice games with huge battles and fights. A map with a wide-opened middle, perfect for big actions same as the following replay substantiates. Check out.

A team internal game between Korea InTrO)EveR and Korea InTrO)BaSs. EveR starts the game with Terran at 1o'clock position, BaSs warps in at the 5o'clock position. The game opening is pretty fast explained, Terran goes for Vultures with Mines, a Tank and some Rines and one Wraith. Protoss tries to deal a fast Reaver drop, but gets stopped by the smartly scouting Wraith.

Let the macro war begin :

As both players just got their natural expansion up and running they started to settle down at the next expansion. The game continues, some little attacks here and there to show some presence and one expansion for each of the player drops down again. At minute 14:00 both players are already at around 190 supply and they are going straight to the middle for the first big battle. Against 25 Tanks and 30 Vultures even the best placed Storms are useless as the following pictures shows.


The flow of the Terran ground units coming out of the 13 factories is almost neverending, they are walking down the map, raping almost every Protoss unit in the way. Just because of some nice High-Templar and Dark-Templar he is able to defend his expansion against the Terran, who manages to fly out with his forces at another point of the map again. At minute 22:00, Protoss is already up to supply 190, same as Terran who got 3-3 units from his 16 factories. Both players meet once again in the middle and Protoss manages with the support of ~10 High-Templars and several Dragoons to reduce the supply of the Terran down to 100. An amazing control of the Storms and some unfavourable movement of the Terran forces made this happen.


Protoss is back on the track, taking expansions, rising up the army and doing the Arbitor tech. A good choice as the following battles will show. With a good use of the Stasis Field he is able to beat the sieged Tanks who are aiming down his expansion. High-Templar storms over and over again minimize the Terran economy very fast, Recalls directly into the remaining CC's and attacks here and there. Can Terran defend with his remaining units? Does he have enough sieged Tanks with Vultures and Science Vessels? Check out!

Game statistics :

InTrO)EveR : 246 APM / Units killed : 472
InTrO)BaSs : 164 APM / Units killed : 662
Game duration : 38:09 minutes

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