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Christmas tours so far

[s]gg_tour[/s]GosuGamers is currently celebrating Christmas a bit early with a series of events. As well as KotH, a story contest and more there are 8 tournaments who serves as qualifiers for a final tournament. So far three of these have been played.

Tournament 1 had 72 players take part. Quite a few of these were well known and very good players. In the final Sweden Daniel[iH] faced Germany eSa.BrEaKdOwN. The top 2 from each tournament qualifies for the final tournament so they will be back then. In this tournament final however both went random and after five games BrEaKdOwN came out on top with 3-2. For more on this tournament click » here. Replays available » here.

In the second tournament the turnout was sadly not as good, but still 47 players. Again there were several very good players, but the two who in the end qualified for the final and the final tournament were Finland iG.Arcneon and United States CocoA[TmG]. After three games of PvZ CocoA stood victorious 3-0. For more on this tournament, click » here. Replays available » here.

Interview with CocoA[TmG] by Artanis after his victory
First off, congratulations for getting to the 'finals' of the GosuGamers Christmas Tournament. How did you feel when you beat Arcneon (Clawson) 3-0 in the finals?

I was feeling pretty good since I was in a slump on ZvP and was having problems, I lost twice to him before the games, so it felt pretty good, hehe.

Okay, and how do you think you will perform in the final round?

Well, it will depend on who I play, hehe, yeah that's about it because if I play Breakdown I could lose pretty easy etc.

Will you be watching the invitational tourney with 16 selected players on the final tourney, and perhaps participate in multiple tourneys like Arcneon did?

I might participate in a couple if I'm bored, but I'll be watching mostly since I'm already qualified.

Any last shoutouts?

To all my TmG partners! :) And all the rest I know

Okay, we'll see you in the final round then. Thanks for the interviews!

No problem

The third tournament was held at the Europe server, just like the two previous ones. Again the turnout was good, with 79 players attending. After seven rounds of best of 3 the two players who faced each other in the final were Czech Republic bio.PredY and Finland iG.Arcneon. Arcneon (aka Clawson) took the victory home with a 3-2 score. However Clawson had already qualified from the final tournament. Therefore a bronze final was held between Sweden TuFFeR and United States IdrA[TmG]. The winner, and qualifier for the final tournament, was IdrA with a score of 3-0. For more on this tournament, click » here. The rep pack of Clawson vs PredY is also available » here. For replays between IdrA and TuFFeR, please click » here.

The next 2 tournaments are already open for signup. The forth will be held on Tuesday 13th of December 17:00 CET at the PGTour server. For more on this tournament, click here. The fifth tournament is held at a more friendly time for Americans. The date is Wednesday 14th of December 22:00 CET at the US East server. For more on this tournament, click here. Each tournament so far has been lots of fun so signup if you can. Please remember to confirm 30 minutes before the tournament starts. After these two tournaments are done there will be 2 further public tours and 1 invitational before the final tournament.

GosuGamers - Info on all the tournaments
GosuGamers - The Christmas feature

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